Go to favourites and click onto Hotmail
Excitedly type in the password and wait
Inbox says empty my spirits sink low
Wanting you near me, waiting to hear
To read and devour you’re every word
To feel your closeness and spirit transcend
To lift me and sooth me as only you can.
enjoyed this poem and could feel one with your words.....thanks for giving it to us...perhaps it echoes our hearts too!
i feel your pain here, David, but don't forget that sometimes no news is good news.
Damned e-mail 'empty' bull! This poem is so true, it's scarey! A perfect, everyday picture of modern technology messing up romance. And I thought the heart could only sink so far, then stop the downslide! Good one to read, people. You'll identify with this one! ! ! xxElysabeth
David, my mail box is normally full of junk mail I don't really want. The one I look forward to never ever seem to come. Instead of having no mail I get too much. Great little poem I can relate to. Top marks and thanks for sharing it my friend. David
You've got mail. = ') Hi David. A nice one. Reality is that many of us spend a lot of time checking the inbox. Very creative. Take care...Princess
This poem has not been translated into any other language yet.
I would like to translate this poem
Oh no, I hope you've received the email by now...Thanks for another 'Miss Poppins'......something about these two poems that I really like......marci. :)