Snooty poems from famous poets and best beautiful poems to feel good. Best snooty poems ever written. Read all poems about snooty.
There was only a note
on the living room door,
and in lipgloss she wrote
'I can't take it no more.'
Perhaps you have wondered
or even yet, pondered
words pertaining to 'nose',
and the list, it just grows.
- Inner Realm -
Thou wert in my mind as pristine unity,
This poem is dedicated to all those who do cleaning
of one sort or another.
Back Stabbing Betty haunted the cemetery
It was Halloween night and it really was scary
She saw Big Willie’s tombstone and wondered why
I guess I don't know when a poem is done,
There's no bell that goes off, no starter's gun
Which signals to me a new poem's begun.
You're too snooty,
For me to want your booty.
Scented fresh?
I could care less.
Yes, yes, I remember you,
Though not your name,
How do you do.
Me, I'm doing very well,
Yes, yes, yes, I remember you,
Though not your name,
How do you do.
Me, I'm doing very well,
They say that she is a gem
A diamond in the rough,
While lacking all the social graces
Which some of us embraces;
It just them, ahem, Northwest fools
In Praise of my happy Dandelion
When I gaze beyond my garden gate my eyes
pause longingly, at the myriad of yellow crowns
I know a route where now no traipsing traveller trails,
Between the red-brick, red-faced prefab bungalows
And seamy semis, shamed and scorned by snooty stares
Of mouldering mansions, precious, pompous, haughty halls.
Dress up real fancy, go out to an upper crusty snooty place
where they pay attention to everything, but
dwell in nothing, and do this:
Strike up a very engaging conversation with your partner, when
Insperation is not a well to me
its my life the words so flippantly
passed with ease are to some
a bit choppy at sea.
I knew a woman with a pretty face
I took her to church where we said grace,
She also had such beautiful hair
Which all day long at it I could stare.
I will never look at you the very same way
Either tomorrow or even the next day,
Nor next month or even next year
My eyes are now finally opened and clear.
It was not ever your job
To quieten every sob,
Or to wipe away every tear
That you ever did hear.
Many symptoms of a woke mind
First of all do not be intentionally blind,
Know what is fake and what is real
And never surrender your will.
I am one of the twelve chosen to decide another man's fate
If charged with the crime, the judge then decides the date,
It will be up to us twelve to decide of innocence or guilt
Then either his freedom is given, or his gallows will be built.
He rolls with the modish local lads
In the olive streets of bustling Caracas
Taking fancy to the demure lassies
with the usual catcalling of flirting chicas
By Stanley Collymore
If another nation attacked a British or USA Embassy or Consulate or, for that matter, any of the NATO member countries killing g diplomats and staffers within that said establishment, which in international law is part of its own sovereign country, what do you quite honestly think, and no virtue signalling bullshitting please, the country that owned that targeted consulate or that embassy, including your own, would do?
Many symptoms of a woke mind
First of all do not be intentionally blind,
Know what is fake and what is real
And never surrender your will.
It was not ever your job
To quieten every sob,
Or to wipe away every tear
That you ever did hear.
The Heraclee sky was a lurid, neon blue but the morning was surprisingly cool (at 54°) . The antemeridian sun managed to cast sharp, surreal, black-hole shadows, giving the world a baroque art look, as if we were strolling through a Rembrandt painting, where everything is defined by shadows.
The lavish breeze, coming up off the Mediterranean Sea, seemed compressed and frantic, as if trying to flee the choppy, sapphire water. Tall marsh grasses waved back and forth, as if to unheard music, reminding me of 60-thousand swaying arms at the Taylor Swift concert.
Children who eat the bogies they pick
Owners who let dog's poo lie
People who use shop doors to be sick
Horror movies where innocents fry
I will never look at you the very same way
Either tomorrow or even the next day,
Nor next month or even next year
My eyes are now finally opened and clear.
You matter beyond what you can do
You matter as much as them
You deserve the respect that you're due
You, they shouldn't condemn
I knew a woman with a pretty face
I took her to church where we said grace,
She also had such beautiful hair
Which all day long at it I could stare.
Sir, I haven't over-dramatized my beauty
Every hour or so a selfie on Facebook I post
A compulsive obsession that grew into my duty
Selfies with passages of time tasted like tutti-frutti
Writing a poem is not about bringing some words together to create some charming sentences. It's so much deeper than that. Writing poetry is a bridge that allows people to express their feelings and make others live every single word they read. Poetry is to educate people, to lead them away from hate to love, from violence to mercy and pity. Writing poetry is to help this community better understand life and live it more passionately. contains an enormous number of famous poems from all over the world, by both classical and modern poets. You can read as many as you want, and also submit your own poems to share your writings with all our poets, members, and visitors.