Silent Speaker

Silent Speaker Poems

I know what your going to do
Your going to break my heart and run
You may say different now
But later its me you'll shun

When your drunk
you think I'm pretty
When your happy
you suppose i'm nothing but flaws

Missing Piece

Hurt and Broken
I'm on my own

You see me with your eyes
But know me you don't
I might let you see a glimpse
But all of me you won't

Fathers Day
a joy to some
to me a cry
of the past and whats to come

Is it true
that away I'm pusing you
I'm honestly saying
I'm not trying to

I find comfort
in the letters that form
in the lyrics
and the notes

black nails
a dark soul
half a heart
never again whole

I'm actually happy today
I'm finally getting over you
I no longer feel I'm lost
I no longer miss everything you used to do

Hiding what's underneath
Paper on the walls
Secrets slip out
As each paper falls

I want to be the bad girl
the wild and crazy one

I want to be the enthusiastic chick

I'm so glad your back
I've missed you so
How I lived without you
I'll never know

A fairytale that can't find a prince
A night that can't find a dream

A song that can't find lyrics

Mixed feelings about my situation
I want to leave and stay
My trials have both good and bad
But torture I feel each day

I talk for no noise
I scream for silence
I cry for no tears
I fight to make an alliance

Scattered emotions
joy and pain
everything different
nothing the same

A blank look on her face
What happen she can't believe
Oh how she wishes she could escape
How she could just leave

I smile
I frown
I'm up
I'm down

you show no love
yoru actions say hate
this the first of many knives in me
your choosing my own fate

Everything changing
never back to the same
but why do I hate the different
always finding one to blame

Silent Speaker Biography

'there is no shame in Death')

The Best Poem Of Silent Speaker

Break My Heart

I know what your going to do
Your going to break my heart and run
You may say different now
But later its me you'll shun

My feelings will end up hurt
My self esteem going down
But yet I'll keep looking
In hope the right guy will come around

Yet I know what the truth is
Love is not for me
Its obvious by my love life
So loveless I shall be

But throughout my serch for love
I'm postive I'll find
many heart breaks from men
who said they were kind

But my perfect man will never hurt me
He'll protect me from my fears
He'll hold me tight in his arms
and won't cause any tears

Yet so sorry for me because I know
Theres no perfect guy out there
So I'll just sit around and wait right here
for a man to try to love me if they dare

Silent Speaker Comments

i absolutely love your poems. they are great you have some real talent here...

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