Vanessa Hughes

Vanessa Hughes Poems

I saw you twice the other day
Stirring passion anew
It's easy saying just move on
Less easier to do

A lesson learned
Is a lesson worth
All the gold
Upon this earth

If you believe in a higher being
And you know he sees it all
You go forward wth a confidence
Whether you rise or fall

Like a blow with a fist
That moment I knew
What you did then
And contnue to do

I Don't want to talk about it
Please let what I say, be
And if you moan, I shan't be pleased
Cos this is me, being me

It's not just the falsely accused
That suffer
It's the children, the parents
The sister, the brother.

From where I sat,
It felt real
For a while

A new start, A new day
Shut the door on behind,
Walk forward in search
Of an inner peace of mind

How do you walk in shallow waters
When you need to swim in sea
With a depth of understanding
Of space and liberty

She walks like me
She talks like me
She dresses like me

Well below your ego
There's a place that doesn't care
What people say or think or do
It's very peaceful there

I didn't know you
But I longed to
I never held you
But I yearned to

Less and less people
Seem to care
About each other
And more about their

Choose to be happy
Take that option today
Find delight
In a contented way

At the end of my coping
At my falling apart
The work of my angel
Repaired my poor heart

If you eat, dream, sleep someone
And desire gets out of hand
The thoughts running round your head
Are more than you can stand

You played a game
I knew it then
I know it now

I want to wear twin-sets
With pearls and beige slacks
I want to do lunch
At a place named 'Chez Jaques'

I've lost my sense of humour
Can't think when I had it last
I know it was there
When I cut my own hair

Manipulating, scheming lass
How could I let her so,
Break me down, and work my thoughts
Then watch her grow and grow

Vanessa Hughes Biography

Hi, I'm now 56 years old from Birmingham UK. I worked for HSBC for over 20 years and have two teenage children. I currently work for a charity co-ordinating a community service.)

The Best Poem Of Vanessa Hughes

A Fishy Tale

I saw you twice the other day
Stirring passion anew
It's easy saying just move on
Less easier to do

Ive always said to others
There's plenty more fish in the sea
But some days it makes no difference
How many fish there be

On the face of it, a small fish
But you took over my whole sea
Never before had I gone fishing
It was all so new to me

You were someone that I longed for
I'd never felt like that before
Some months on, now I'm seeing
The sea has fish once more

But some days you're the only fish
Swimming in my sea
And the fervor that you stirred in me
Will forever be

Vanessa Hughes Comments

Cg Shankar 10 December 2011

Vanessa, your thoughts natural and your style so simple.pour on all your thoughts on life and love!

6 0 Reply
Rigzin Namgyal 24 December 2011 are a great poet.. Vanessa..

6 0 Reply
Dickson Mseti 23 August 2011

You remind me Langstone hughes

3 0 Reply
Sarah Richards 25 October 2011

your poems are magical, they touch every aspect in life, love and shallowness. i loved them.

3 0 Reply
Ramesh Rai 20 November 2011

a nice tale.i can see a hidden love in your poem. thnx for conveying your hidden love.

3 0 Reply
Ramesh Rai 30 January 2014

A very good intelligent and brilliant Poetess with long outstanding vision. It pains me much to think that she has almost stopped writing

12 1 Reply
Amish K 24 December 2012

very well written..representing your strong faith and belief and encouraging others to believe

11 1 Reply
Hasnain Aaqib 23 July 2012

It is a poem which shows huge respect for prosody and poesy.

9 1 Reply
Phillip Knight 06 June 2012

Vanessa, your mix of reality and humour make these poems come alive, they tug at the heart strings and gives smiles when smiles are needed, Thank you for sharing Phill x

11 1 Reply
Mukta Sawant 25 May 2012

Hi ma'm after reading your poems i truly became a great fan of yours.

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