I Am The Creator Poem by ANJALI SINHA

I Am The Creator

Rating: 4.6

I am,
God the creator
Loving father,
Forgiving incarnate,
The most merciful and benevolent
The alpha and the omega
Austere but compassionate

I play ball with time
on playground of universe
And display fireworks
amidst colorful galaxies
Lo! Blazing sun my heater
Ah! soothing moon my cooler

My breakfast is stars
which I dip in tasty milky ways
My chariot
rainbow hued
variegated sun rays

Rings of Saturn
adorn my svelte fingers
With Mar’s redness my
my cheek blushes

Venus is my honeymoon house
Wherein I holiday with my nature-spouse
I sleep in clandestine dark holes
and wake up in bright supernovas

I travel on truculent storms of Jupiter
And clap in sound of thunderstorms
Lightning flash from my eyes
When I stare from angry skies

Earth is my live theatre
Wherein plays my human actors
I am reticent director
I am thesauraus script writer
I am God the esoteric creator

Indira Renganathan 02 August 2009

Interesting flow of cosmic words...so just jovially, just jovially, may I call you 'Navagraha Naayaki'

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Randy Hogan 03 August 2009

Sublime beauty that sweeps me away to the stars......... 10++++++++++++++++++++

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Reetessh Sabrr 10 August 2009

My poetgoddess the ultimate creator of the best ode to GOD!

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Karanvir Kataria 11 August 2009

god is great Creator and ruler of the universe. n u did a superb job....very well work done here and deserve a 10+++ maan gaye aapko n its in top 500 n itmust be

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Thandeka Mbambo 12 August 2009

god one gets a person thinking and it was written on my birthday.

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Dr Dillip K Swain 09 May 2023

I play ball with time on playground of universe....I respect the freedom of expressing your soul.

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Gautam Sen 07 March 2010

Read this poem very minutely and it is another beautiful projection of God's role, splendid imagery put into here and made a strong expression altogether. Yours is no less good and a ranked poem too. I've concentrated on Earth where you've covered up the whole galaxy. Thanks for sharing.10+ Gautam

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Clad with the great garment of compelling creativity. Well done my friend.10+

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Alf Hutchison 23 October 2009

Anjali a beautifull write indeed.fond regards Alf

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Anand Madhukar 21 September 2009

An awesome dedication to the Almighty. It reminded me of the Mahabharat where Krishna reveals His 'viraat roop' to Arjun on the battlefields of Kurukshetra.

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