Oilibheir Álain Christie Poems

Hit Title Date Added
Brother Humans (François Villon)

Brother Humans who live after us,
Do not have hearts hardened against us,
For, if you take pity on us poor,
God will sooner have mercy on you.

The Quote (Das Zitat — by Martin Niemöller)

As the Nazis arrested the communists
I have remained silent,
I sure was no communist

‎إذا استطعت أن تحتفظ برأسك ‎عندما يفقد كل من حولك
‎ رؤوسهم ‎و ينحون عليك باللائمة
‎إذا وثقت بنفسك ‎عندما يفقد كل إنسان ثقته فيك
‎و لا تترك مع ذلك مجالاً للشك

Emberi-testvéreink, ti, akik utánunk élnek,
Ne legyen ellenünk megkeményedett szív,
Mert, ha irgalmazz nekünk szegény,
Isten irgalmas lesz néktek korábban.

Si… (Rudyard Kipling)

Si tu peux conserver ta tête quand tous ceux qui te côtoient
Perdent la leur et t'en tiennent responsable.
Si tu peux garder ta confiance quand tous doutent de toi
Tout en sachant ne pas mépriser ce doute.

The intelligence of animals is above all denial.
But what does Man do to improve the mental state of those resigned fellow-citizens?
He provides them with a mediocre education, quite disconnected, incomplete, one such as a child would not want for himself; and he would be right, dear little being.
This learning consists mainly in developing the instinct of cruelty and vice that exists atavistically within individuals.

‎دعونا اختيار أن الطيور مع أقوى الانشوده
‎على الشجرة الوحيدة من الجزيرة العربية،
‎كما رسول آلامنا وأيضا لدينا البوق
‎في الصوت الذي أجنحة عفيفة سوف يطيع.

I Am Ireland (Mise Éire — by Pádraig Pearse)

I am Ireland:
I am older than the Old Hag of Beare.

Great my glory:

Good Advice to Suitors (Victor Hugo)

Love has been in all times a real tough Ananke.
If you don't want to be kicked out,
As soon as you're in love, you'll observe and scrutinize yourself,
Set your rough-and-ready nature aside. From a brutish beast

La Fenice e il Colombo (Shakespeare)

Lascia che l'uccello del canto più forte
Sul singolo albero d'Arabia,
Sia araldo del nostro dolore e tromba,
Al suono di cui, ali casta obbediscono.

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