2. Oh God Why Me? Poem by Abha Sharma

2. Oh God Why Me?

Rating: 4.1

A bomb blasted in the train
Many people lost their life
A little boy orphaned
Cried: Why only my parents….?

Tsunami flooded the shore
Many coast submerged
The beachside family reported missing
Kinfolk grieved: Why only my family….?

Earthquake battered the town
Complete population grounded
The victims unheard petition
Resounded: Why only our zone….?

A blind baby delivered
Of beautiful parents
The mother could not stop her tears
Lamented: Why only my child….?

The entry ticket to this world
Is marked with obnoxious barb
Adversity nurses the virtue of man
But why in such appalling garb?

Leonard Daranjo 27 April 2008

You know Abha - never was a truer truth expressed. When a tragedy strikes, we all tend to say 'why me'. We don't realise at that time there are millions of tragic things happening to millions of people every single day of our lives. It is true for everybody. Nobody can go through life without some tragedy striking at some time. A simple truth expressed in a manner which will make another poet feel why didn't I think of it. A very touching and sensitive piece. Take care

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Greenwolfe 1962 28 April 2008

You have a fabulous last line to this poem. The question 'Why' is always asked. It shall continue to be asked until wisdom pervades the heart of mankind. GW62

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David Harris 29 April 2008

Abha, we always ask why me when tragedy robs of of someone close or nature disfigures someone we love. It is a question I fear will always be asked for as long as mankind exists. This is a fabulous poem. Top marks and thanks for sharing it my friend. David

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Waqas Naeem 30 April 2008

'Adversity nurses the virtue of man'...this is a unique concept you've delved into here... maybe its because in sorrow, we humans tend to be selfish and think our pain to be the only pain and our misery the only injustice...I guess its part of our emotional needs...well written poem...top marks..

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Coach Roth 03 May 2008

Fate works in so many varied ways...I just wrote to you to recommend 'My Mother Died of Cancer' which is the same theme as yours above which you state so eloquently...I look forward to reading more...nicely done...Coach

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Andrew Blakemore 23 October 2019

A harrowing poem, well written

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Naseer Ahmed Nasir 14 June 2009

A good question has been raised in this poem that has bifurcated its essence in contexts of complaint to the God and the harsh realities of life mostly considered as a catastrophe.. What we face is the result of what we do..so still in each situation, keeping your pragmatism alive is the best option mankind has.........

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Ashraful Musaddeq 07 September 2008

It is a nice composition of emotion towards God.

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Cyclopseven R 01 July 2008

Oh God, Why Me? Its a question for series of unending answers. Only eternity behold the mystery of this question. Good one buddy. I like this very very much.

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Pushkar Bisht 06 June 2008

Nobody knows why wrong things happen to us. I believe there is a reason behind every creation that's why it happens but I specially pray to God for my people who are fighting for thier lives everyday. May God give them strength to bear! Amen

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