.5 Child Poem by Alfredo Jacques

.5 Child

Rating: 5.0

I don’t buy him clothes
or send him to school
and I have never
celebrated his birthday.

I often wonder,
Do I look into his mothers’ eyes
Or hear his fathers voice
When he speaks.

He has never said “ I love you”
But I know he does, the way
He lights up whenever I’m around.

I remember those early days
Seeing him for the first time, then
He joins our family, finally
I fall in love all over again.

I hit him once
For trying to bite his brother,
Hurt, on both our eyes.
He doesn’t understand
But he does.

Watching them play
Like only brothers can
My only thought
I love my 1.5 children

Koto F 12 December 2006

sweetest ever! ! and gave me another vision.

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Ashish R 22 December 2006

You should write more.You write well.I was a lil wondering when i read the poem title but your poem satisfied my curiosity...: -) Ashish.

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Original Unknown Girl 29 January 2007

What a sweet poem, pets do this to us don't they? You almost take over the parenting role! ! I love how you express your feelings to your dog.... HG: -) xx

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David Harris 01 February 2007

Alfredo, I loved this poem. Our pets are our children and when they come into our family we then become their parents. I love all animals, I've got three cats of my own. Keep writing. David

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John Tiong Chunghoo 25 March 2007

good write alfredo. our family has loved dogs. we have had dozens of them. we know the nature of dogs. they are the most loyal pets. best friends.

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Douglas Mcclarty 02 December 2013

Clever poem really enjoyed it.

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Loretta Rowley 29 February 2008

this is sweet and funny all in one. it made me smile

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Ben Gieske 23 January 2008

Reminds me of the time a lady holding a dog got on the bus and the driver asked, 'Ticket for two? '.

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Jemarie Ragudo 28 November 2007

You make me smile in this poem. I had a dog named Scooby too. Very nice discourse!

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Ben Gieske 24 September 2007

Pets are precious. If only they could know that we appreciate them. I think they know more than we realize though. I like this part: Hurt, on both our eyes. He doesn’t understand But he does.

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Alfredo Jacques

Alfredo Jacques

tucson, arizona
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