A Girl Poem by Ezra Pound

A Girl

Rating: 3.1

The tree has entered my hands,
The sap has ascended my arms,
The tree has grown in my breast -
The branches grow out of me, like arms.

Tree you are,
Moss you are,
You are violets with wind above them.
A child - so high - you are,
And all this is folly to the world.

Stephen W 06 December 2013

No wonder he ended in the insane asylum!

19 65 Reply
Sally Plumb Plumb 14 November 2010

Really, very, very beautiful.

44 18 Reply
Stanton Hager 20 August 2006

Pound, the fierce fist-pounder on many issues, in his poems was OFTEN movingly LYRICAL-not just in his shorter poems, as this one (and many others well-chosen by Poemhunter) , but in his translations and throughout The Cantos. If you haven't yet read his immensely moving Li Po translation, 'The River Merchan't Wife: A Letter, ' treat yourself at this site. I bet you weep.

32 19 Reply
Eche Ononukwe 17 September 2009

This is a poem with a tense romantic tension full of wisdom

29 19 Reply
Ma Xiaokang 12 March 2015

a great one! master of imagist poem!

25 8 Reply
Gajanan Mishra 28 May 2023

So touchy

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Rose Marie Juan-austin 15 October 2021

Beautiful poem full of metaphors and great images.

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Chinedu Dike 08 June 2020

Well articulated and nicely brought forth with conviction.........

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Ismaeil 28 April 2020

Moving from romanticism to modernism. Everyone could be beloved.

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Mahtab Bangalee 24 May 2019

girl the girl for the superb for the super high

3 6 Reply
Ezra Pound

Ezra Pound

Hailey / Idaho
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