A kiss...
I kiss you!
it's my only crazy wish
which I deliver tonight
And I whisper in the wind,
to the sleeping air, to the interval
that looks at me in a joyless eye of irony
Translation from Albanian into English
By Alfred Kola
Korçë, October 3,2016
The kiss tells it all! Nicely done and thank you for translating!
A lovely and very passionate write. Thanks for sharing, Riza.
A kiss... I kiss you! it's my only crazy wish which I deliver tonight And I whisper in the wind, to the sleeping air, to the interval that looks at me in a joyless eye of irony....sermon of kiss
A kiss... I kiss you! it's my only crazy wish which I deliver tonight And I whisper in the wind, to the sleeping air, to the interval that looks at me in a joyless Fantastic poem dear poet....thanks
....t's my only crazy wish which I deliver tonight! A beautiful romantic poem.....10
I whisper in the wind, to the sleeping air, to the interval. very fine sentiments, feeling and passion. a kiss a beautiful expression.. thank u dear poet. tony
Dr. Tony, I have tried many times to answer you, but it was impossible... sorry! thanks for your evaluation comment. I will continue to read you. your poetry likes me.
This poem has not been translated into any other language yet.
I would like to translate this poem
Beutiful, I will translate in Spanish Un Beso... Te beso! Es mi unico deseo loco Espero entregartelo esta noche Y susurro en la noche Y susurro en el viento, al aire soñolento, al intervalo que me mira con ojos sin juvilo de ironia Translation from English to Spanish by Luz Hanaii July 1,2018
Thank you Luz! you give me pleasure