A Legend Of Love Poem by Kostas Lagos

A Legend Of Love

This is a story that shouldn't be told

of a love that shook heaven and earth

whose memory lives until nowadays

It is discussed among the leaves and fruits of trees

it is whispered by te feathers of birds and the eyes of snakes

Two young people, in centuries unknown and ages forgotten

fell madly in love, so much that the world around them was singing

The lad, whose name is taken away by the dust of wind

and the lass, whose face has set with the last rays of the solstice

they tied their fates so tightly that even Alexander's sword couldn'tsplit them up

And everyone was happy with their love

that like it no traveler who wanders in the universe has seen or heard or even thought about.

But the Darkness was jealous, like a witch's curse, inhuman and envious

and whipped the parents' thoughts until it sculpt them to give them

a shape that it found suitable

They forbade their love, using pretexts and excuses, whistles of the wind, insensitive and cruel.

A cloudless night, warm, with stars so bright

the lovers met again, hidden from all they came to each other

they hugged so tight, looked deep in their eyes and uniting their lips

from a mountain top they flew, into the abyss they were gone

no humans or beasts or birds saw them again

Only when time marks the day of their suicide

two angels bring the tortured youth

and let their souls to reunite

and the birds are singig and the wild animals are calming down

the moon sheds all its light that keeps from the sun

the rivers for a single moment hold their water, they dry their springs up
and the whole creation mourns the two lovers

because they have but a single tiny moment to meet again,

to sing together and in an erotic dance to die off

And they have to wait when to meet again

Woe to the souls of those people who imbeded such a love

so magical that has not an ending anymore.

Saturday, December 16, 2017
Topic(s) of this poem: love
Alexie Whitman 13 October 2020

What a beautiful poem I really am a big fan I can relate to this poem in many ways.

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Akhtar Jawad 08 October 2018

Love is an attempt to en-light this universe that is full of darkness.

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Kostas Lagos 09 October 2018

Indeed . Totally agree. Thanks!

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Unnikrishnan E S 01 July 2018

Hi Kostas, Love is light! No wonder why darkness fears it. And darkness is the eternal truth, But we prefer to live in a bliss Of fleeting light...

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Kostas Lagos 09 October 2018

Thank you for your comment, sorry I missed it!

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Mihaela Pirjol 18 December 2017

An amazing story of love; a love, many can relate to. Beautifully written.

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Kostas Lagos 18 December 2017

Glad you liked it! Thank you very much for you comment.

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