A Poet In His Own Time Poem by jim foulk

A Poet In His Own Time

Rating: 5.0

Who am I to criticize others,
I'm a poet in my own time,
my own place and my own world.
I just write what I see feel,
and hear.

My poetry may be different,
I don't follow the path
of other poets, but that's
ok, let them write what
they must write in their
own way.

All poetry is beautiful,
some takes longer to

We're all in this together
we write the poetry that
fulfills our needs.


Jalisa Berrain 11 April 2007

Loved It

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Sandra Fowler 11 April 2007

Wonderful thinking! I couldn't agree with you more. Poemhuner is very lucky to have you. Write on, Jim. Warm regards, Sandra

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Roseann Shawiak 16 October 2013

Absolutely true, Jim. Great poem, couldn't agree with you more. Thank you for sharing it. RoseAnn

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Alison Cassidy 20 April 2007

Jim this is a splendid poem written with honesty, clarity and humility. Love the title and your determination to run your own race. Your poems have a refreshing truthfulness about them an unpretentiousness that others on the site could well emulate. My favourite line is 'All poetry is beautiful. Some takes longer to understand.' Spot on! love Allie xxxx

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Duncan Wyllie 20 April 2007

My poetry may be different, I don't follow the path of other poets, but that's ok, let them write what they must write in their own way. Absolutely first class poetry and such a much needed message, we should stop telling others how they should write and write how we feel Top marks a ten spot here Jim for class poetry Love duncan X

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Michael Fischer 13 April 2007

I like this poem Jim! I like how you take an anti-conformist stance as a poet. I think that poets who have a very different style of writing are more appealing and most of all memorable. Thanks for sharing your art with us! -Michael

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David Harris 12 April 2007

Jim, you said that excellently how I fell. We all write what we must and when we can. It would be rather boring if we didn't and all wrote the same. Great poem. Top marks from me. Thanks for sharing it my friend. David

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jim foulk

jim foulk

des moines iowa
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