A Spritual Twins Poem by Luwi Habte

A Spritual Twins

Rating: 5.0

Dedicated to Betty (My best friend)

She is not me
But she knows what i want to be

She is not my twin
But she got what I win

She is not my self
But she shares my pain as her self

She is not with me at the moment
But she know each and every movement

She is not only just a friend
Some thing inside must be hidden

We share pain and suffering almost as same
We also face happiness at the same time
And so and so...all the things we let pass
Had some thing in link of press

I really love her, my Betty
She is ever best lady
And a good friend
Unlike others she is not fake

My type and my twin through unknown spirit
Let me tell her that she is my heart

Angel's lyre 12 July 2009

this poem is of great value. you should be very lucky to have such a friend.

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Indira Babbellapati 12 July 2009

your alter ego, i suppose...

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Mayse Codiers 13 July 2009

Habte, i so love this write... Its my first of yours and i wanna read you more... and more

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Sam Edison 13 July 2009

I really enjoyef this. You seem to have a great connection with your friend Betty. This is something that I have always found very hard to come by. I might have only trully felt that connection once. Always cherish your friendship it is one of the hardest things to find in life.

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Ruerd Visser 14 July 2009

With friendship like this it feels like heaven descends to earth and angels stand by us to share in divine love, it is also a bridge crossing the gap with those around you. May you live long and prosper while friendship guides and guards you! Huhaha ut Fryslan Boomfriend Ruerd

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Mubeen Sadhika 02 September 2009

Beautifully imagined. Nicely formed. Great work.

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Catrina Heart 27 July 2009

Lovely and touching piece! ! !

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its a very nice poem and very touchy too.i luv ur writing.

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Sarwar Chowdhury 19 July 2009

very touchy and thoughful eloquence............lovely! 10+

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Angel's lyre 19 July 2009

you're so lucky to have such a friend. Such friends are blessing to us :)

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