Across Horizons Poem by Kayode Are

Across Horizons

Rating: 4.8

Heaven splays its hues and tones
We streak into a mist unknown
Hearts pounding with spirit askew
Stiff! The metal bird slicing through the clouds
And the pliant resistance of fluttering mist

We rise above the mist into clear skies
To see grey cloud mushrooms skittering
The nascent sun hits dawn's dew
Grace! The glimpse of light and a calm silver sky
Visible for many miles, creating a sense of bliss

A stubborn pocket of air crosses our path
In spite of the translucent ambient clear sky
The vessel shakes in fits and hearts throb in fear
Bumps! We waffle through space timidly
In awe of the imagined turbulence ahead

Streaming through the skittering clouds
In the shimmer of the ascending yellow moon
Flashes of receding sun glimmer hazily
Hush! As slices of perceived horizons conflate
Lush grass with the rumble of a slithering torrent

Heaven splays its hues and tones
We ride into calm weather and bliss returns
Floating on a bed of ivory cloud with occasional bumps
Crashes! The sudden drop of altitude with heart in throat
Buried in an envelope of hope upon which we drift

Thursday, April 2, 2015
Topic(s) of this poem: journey
Discovering the Voyage of life through Air travel
Tom Allport 15 May 2017

a wonderful descriptive poem of flying into heavenly views? ............perfectly written

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Edward Kofi Louis 26 May 2016

Clear skies! With the muse of life. Thanks for sharing this poem with us.

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Kayode Are 28 May 2016

Thanks for the interest. I appreciate you.

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Nicklas Leow 24 January 2016

Thank you! You paint a beautiful picture with your poem (:

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Kelly Kurt 02 April 2015

Well written. I enjoyed the ride of this poem, Kayode. Thank you.

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