Albert Einstein 52 - Special To General Theory Of Relativity Poem by Geeta Radhakrishna Menon

Albert Einstein 52 - Special To General Theory Of Relativity

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No journey is complete
Without an incentive or an affirmation!
Einstein's theory of Relativity did not end
With his ‘Special Theory'. It moved further into
‘General Relativity' which needed to be proved,
Validated to give it a status of a new discovery.
In Einstein's ‘Equivalence Principle',
The gravitational and inertial masses are identical.

Alice Calaprice in her book says:
"Many physicists succumbed to the elegance, simplicity
And beauty of Einstein's Equations."
In 1907, Einstein progressed further with his theory
In an article titled: "On the Relative Principle
And the Conclusions drawn from it."
This became a major leap from
From ‘Special Theory to General Theory of Relativity.'

To substantiate his point on ‘General Relativity',
Dr.Einstein attempted a mathematical trick.
Instead of leaning too much on details on gravity,
He worked on mathematics of a constant acceleration frame.
The ‘Equivalence Principle' would remain same
For both -‘Relativity' as well as for ‘Gravity'.
As such, the equation worked effectively.
It was a master stroke by Einstein!

"Einstein experimented with two clocks -
one accelerating relative to the other.
He showed a time difference between the clocks,
Wherein, he transformed this ‘Equation' from acceleration
To gravitation. The experiment showed that the light
In gravitational field is more dark- an intense red.
This came to be known as "Gravitational Redshift,
A major prediction of General Relativity."

Einstein further explored Maxwell's Equations
That described the wave properties of light.
"He worked out the implications for an accelerating frame
And concluded that a gravitational field bends
The path of a beam of light. The bending of light became
Another major finding in Einstein's Theory of Relativity."
No sooner had he posted his article by end of 1907,
His vibrant thoughts moved to perihelion of Planet Mercury.

Sometimes, we do things with great effort and intensity,
But the work remains within four walls, for a long time,
To the extent, one begins to wonder whether the effort
Will ever take off to a higher realm or reap fruits!
After Dr. Einstein's predictions of 1907, there was a void.
Nothing ever happened for the next four years.
You may call it destiny, luck or some strange fate,
Things happens only when Nature decides to make it happen!

A Biographical Poem

Monday, August 23, 2021
Topic(s) of this poem: life,true,story,personality,science,discovery
Here is a sincere attempt to write the biographical life and works of Dr.Albert Einstein. For detailed explanation of Albert Einstein's Research Papers on varied topics, please read books published by Princeton University Press.1. ‘Albert Einstein - A biography' by Alice Calaprice & Trevor Lipscombe 2019. This is my 52th poem on Dr. Albert Einstein is on his most valuable contribution to science on the ‘Theory of Relativity' that opened up whole new perception and is utilised by the entire science community the world over today. This Poem is based on the chapter - "The Road to General Relativity" by Alice Calaprice. The passages in inverted commas are taken from the 7th chapter of the book - ‘A Biography'. Dear Friends and Poets, Thank you for reading these poems on the life and work of Dr.Albert Einstein. I remain most grateful and thankful for your beautiful feedback and comments!
Dr Dillip K Swain 23 August 2021

Informative but I have not yet understood this theory because...

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Dr Dillip K Swain 23 August 2021

My teacher taught me theory of relativity this way:

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Chinedu Dike 14 October 2021

Well articuated and expertly crafted with insight...

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Dr Dillip K Swain 23 August 2021

Dear madam, this series a great informative series. I sincerely appreciate the way things are being presented!

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Dr Dillip K Swain 23 August 2021

My teache's discussion could put smile on my face but I have not yet completely understand this great theory

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Dr Dillip K Swain 23 August 2021

This is the philosophy behind Einstein's theory of relativity.

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Dr Dillip K Swain 23 August 2021

It's difficult to climb hills if you are following a boy but it's pretty easier if a girl is moving ahead of you!

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