Albert Einstein 51 - the Journey Of Relativity Theory Poem by Geeta Radhakrishna Menon

Albert Einstein 51 - the Journey Of Relativity Theory

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Dr. Einstein's ‘Year of Miracles' -1905 -
A year that triggered off a whole new science,
A landmark! In the development of modern physics.
Einstein presented five papers of major innovations-
All of them were brilliant discoveries, of which,
Two papers created sparkling revelations,
In the field of science, among scientific community,
A dynamic journey into world of progress, growth and new developments.

Dr. Einstein's first paper on the 'Special Theory of Relativity',
'On the Electrodynamics of Moving Bodies' - was
Published on 26th September 1905. This paper
Revolutionised the science world creating ripples
Of exciting adventures, a spectacular leap into Physics!
A second paper on 'Special Theory' published
On 21st November - the same year, laid the foundation
For Modern Physics that made Einstein a sensational scientist!

Dr. Einstein's Theory of Special Relativity utilised
Two reference frames; One frame moving
In a straight line away from the other frame.
But there was a question of ‘gravity' in Physics.
What would happen if one of the frames
Accelerated relative to the other frame?
Einstein had to bridge this gap to prove his point -
A key to incorporate ‘gravity' into ‘relativity'.

To successfully accomplish his work
Einstein needed an ‘Eureka moment' like Newton.
In 1907, Einstein was invited by German Physicist
Johannes Stark, editor of yearbook of Radioactivity,
To write an article that summed up his ‘Special Theory'.
Einstein began to think and devise a plan-
How he could incorporate ‘gravity into relativity',
And to convince the scientists the validity of his theory!

The fascinating moment arrived
While he was sitting in a chair in his patent office in Bern.
Einstein realised something very crucial:
'If a man falls off a roof, he cannot feel his own weight.'
This was the breakthrough he needed.
This idea became known as 'The Principle of Equivalence.'
'A reference frame placed in a gravitational field is identical
To a reference frame at rest, but subject to acceleration.'

Einstein added this new idea to his Special Theory.
A profound theory was born with innovative concept.
Einstein built on this ‘Equivalence Principle' that
'Gravitational force is proportional and
Identical to the gravitational mass of an object.'
Dr.Einstein was ecstatic with his new found theory
He recalled it as 'the happiest thought of my life.'
The world of science was thrilled with Einstein's discovery!

A Biographical Poem

Thursday, August 19, 2021
Topic(s) of this poem: story,true,life,science,discovery,personality,genius
Here is a sincere attempt to write the biographical life and works of Dr.Albert Einstein. For detailed explanation of Albert Einstein's Research Papers on varied topics, please read books published by Princeton University Press.1. ‘Albert Einstein - A biography' by Alice Calaprice & Trevor Lipscombe 2019.2. ‘Einstein's Miraculous Year' by Alice Calaprice and Sam Elworthy 3. Quantum Generations: A history of Physics in 20th century, Princeton. N.J 4. Quantum Profiles by Jeremy Bernstein - Princeton, N.J 5. Collected Papers of Albert Einstein (CPAE) various editors and translators, Vol.1 to 9, Princeton, N.J, Princeton University Press.6. The New Quotable Einstein Princeton, N.J, Princeton University Press.7. Albert Einstein - New York, Viking.8. The Einstein Scrapbook by Ze'ev Rosenkranz, Baltimore, John Hopkins University Press.9. Ideas and Opinions by Albert Einstein 10. Albert Einstein by Albrecht Folsing So many books have been written on Dr. Albert Einstein. My poems are based on the books that I have read specially ‘The Biography" by Alice Calaprice & Trevor Lispscombe. Added to it are my own little observations and interpretations based on Einstein's life. My 51th poem on Dr. Albert Einstein is on his most valuable contribution to science on the Theory of Relativity that opened up whole new perception and is utilised by the entire science community the world over today. Dear Friends and Poets, Thank you for reading these poems on the life and work of Dr.Albert Einstein. I remain most grateful and thankful for your beautiful feedback!
Kostas Lagos 19 August 2021

Fabulous work Geeta!

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JuliaMay 21 August 2021

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Rose Marie Juan-austin 29 August 2021

Another great presentation on one of the wonderful works of Dr. Albert Einstein. Very detailed and infor

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Chinedu Dike 14 October 2021

Marvellous work! Well done and do remain enriched.

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Sylvia Frances Chan 29 August 2021

Sequel number 51, how amazing is this Biographical poem-series, Dr. Geeta! A truly enjoyable poem series. I love reading BIO's too.

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Sylvia Frances Chan 29 August 2021

Dearest Dr. Geeta, I have no feedback, but I am enjoying your beautiful series about Dr. Einstein in my personal way.5 Stars full for this excellent sequel. I have enjoyed a very lot. Thank you so much for sharing

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Rose Marie Juan-austin 29 August 2021

Well crafted biographical poem.

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Rose Marie Juan-austin 29 August 2021

It is indeed very interesting to know how Dr. Eistein put his greatest efforts and utmost dedication to his works. Very inspiring.w

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