Be A Bull Poem by Cowboy Ron Williams

Be A Bull

Rating: 5.0

You gotta be a bull, my friend;
don't never be no steer.
The first has means to procreate;
the other's line ends here.

The first is big and tough and strong
and he can crash through walls;
the other cowers meekly back,
‘cause he ain't got no balls!

Be A Bull
Saturday, July 25, 2020
Topic(s) of this poem: strength
Smoky Hoss 27 July 2020

And that's the truth! Geldings not withstanding!

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Kim Barney 25 April 2021

You are the bull champion, Cowboy. I've never known anyone more full of bull than you!

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Kim Barney 25 April 2021

Powerful stuff (the poem and the bull) . Five stars!

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Bri Edwards 30 August 2020

I burst out laughing at the finish of reading this Cowboy-gem. This goes to MyPoemList and therefore should be in a monthly list in the next few months. I'm a steer indeed but still got my own " Rocky Mountain Oysters" . I don't 'pack guns'; I pack my bull balls, in my double-hung, steer-hide gun holsters. bri ;)

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Castrated manliness cowers!

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Cowboy Ron Williams 16 August 2020

Thanks for commenting, Smoky!

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