Cats (In The Style Of Roseann V. Shawiak) Poem by Kim Barney

Kim Barney

Kim Barney

I was born in a bank - - my mother went there and made a deposit

Cats (In The Style Of Roseann V. Shawiak)

Rating: 5.0

Strolling into the morning light,
stalking shadows carefully,
making sure not to get stepped on
by clumsy humans,
all other creatures of nature
bowing down as I walk by.

Catering to my senses, aroma of
frying fish fascinating my superior sense
of smell, air filling me breathlessly
and purely, my fur being
touched and caressed ever so
gently by passing breezes.

Wafting my way, sounds of mice being heard,
emotions rising, feeling their vibrations,
vividly taking me sailing throughout the neighborhood.

Being captivated by every sight being seen
as I stroll past the butcher shop where
the owner no longer allows me to enter
after the little incident with the lamb chops,
continuing on my way to my final destination,
back to the house that my humans think they own,
where, because they never know what I am thinking,
I will be welcomed warmly.

Cats (In The Style Of Roseann V. Shawiak)
Monday, November 7, 2016
Topic(s) of this poem: cats,fun,humor
RoseAnn, my dear friend, I hope you are not offended by this. It's all in fun.

Readers, I also have:
Cats (In the style of Bri Edwards)
Cats (In the style of Edgar Allan Poe)
Cats (In the style of Gajanan Mishra)
Cats (In the style of Heather Burns)
Cats (In the style of Mandolyn...)
Cats (In the style of Michael P. McParland)

To read them all from here, just keep clicking on the 'previous poem' button.

Written 7 November 2016
Spock The Vegan 10 November 2016

You have style, my friend. I love cats. I will have to think about some cat poems. Great job.

4 1 Reply
Tom Billsborough 08 November 2016

you. are clearly feline with that air of a cat as he inspects his domain. Must say that butcher sounds jolly unsporting. I'm sure he wouldn't miss the odd duck breast here and there. Really enjoyed your take on Roseann's style. Must read the others and I might try to translate on of Baudelaire's, as he was a great cat lover too.

5 1 Reply
Geoffrey Fafard 08 November 2016

What a tough job Kim…But you have done them all justice I believe.I just love it.Geoffrey.

5 0 Reply
Akham Nilabirdhwaja Singh 08 November 2016

Enjoyed reading the poem.Nice work.

5 0 Reply
Kim Barney

Kim Barney

I was born in a bank - - my mother went there and made a deposit
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