Chengdu, Near The Great Wall Poem by Sylvia Frances Chan

Chengdu, Near The Great Wall

Rating: 5.0

in Chengdu
where were you?
I was closest to the Great Wall
but I haven't seen you at all

I walked on the giant wall
now-now it's not so small,
it's enough for 8 men side by side in their ancient old military uniforms,
not so small at all,

but the panoramic view
and the scenery is overwhelming, do you?
the sun's rays are filtered
and a surreal landscape is created

you want to be in Chengdu
it's fastest by train,
the people are quiet and friendly in their attitude
here much pré-history you will gain

Don't be late on the wall, in the friendly evening,
it can be very scary-haunting
since the sun is disappearing
and no birds are here to sing

and everywhere misty smoke creeps beneath your feet,
swirl around you the fog is lifting but creeps to your side,
make sure you are on your way back on the same track
and be not embraced by some misty plume of smoke,

this is serious, my dear, no joke
it's worth visiting
this ancient Great Wall near Beijing

Chengdu, Near The Great Wall
In Chengdu lies the ancient ruins of the Moghul Rulers, there is also The Great Wall, not so far from Beijing, a most beautiful scenery and panorama, but when the evening comes, you can see the mist coming up from the earth, makes it all bit eerie, bit haunting, better to return home in time, since there is no street lantern at all. along the length of the wall
Nabakishore Dash 13 April 2022

vivid description of Chengdu is so beautiful that I could imagine the place simply by going through it from the room I am living in.Graphic aids to make it more beautiful revered Sylvia Mam.

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Richard Wlodarski 13 April 2022

After reading your beautiful poem, I definitely will myself to visit this mystical place. If not in body, then in spirit. it

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Dr. M. Asim Nehal 13 April 2022

Is it safe to visit China now? I wish to go someday and see the beauty you described in your poem.5*****

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Beautiful poem about the most beautiful place. And the loveliest of pics.

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Sylvia Frances Chan

Sylvia Frances Chan

Jakarta, Indonesia
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