Diamond Of Love Poem by Parameswaran Nair Damodaran Nair

Diamond Of Love

Rating: 5.0

The sun is sinking down
The twilight too is vanishing
I am being left alone
In the peaking darkness

I am fumbling around
Hearing a humble low voice
It is the darkness beseeching,
"Make me your companion,

I am black and ugly,
Everybody looks at me in scorn,
None sees the beauty of my heart,
Or the gleaming love inside,

Make me your beloved
Never will it make you regret".
Diamonds lying deep under the black soil
Are luminous and precious!

Thursday, October 8, 2020
Topic(s) of this poem: love
There can be a loving heart inside a black body
Kostas Lagos 08 October 2020

Well crafted poem! 5 stars

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Thank you dear Kostas Lagos for the comments

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Bernard F. Asuncion 08 October 2020

A well conveyed poem. Truly heartfelt and touching...5 stars*****

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Aniruddha Pathak 28 October 2020

Ah what a beauty, dear poet! You know, in Sanskrit night has four beautiful names, one each for each prahar (each prahar being of three hours) I can't recall readily the forst two, but the last two are: Yama and Usha. This celebrates the beauty of night.

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By the nightfall that ceases to cast brightness to life man fumbles to catch hold of something that gives him relief. When he realises that nothing saved the darkness will shelter him he begin to love it which was ignored by him for its external characteristics only, not realising the beauty of its heart Thank you Asim

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Rose Marie Juan-austin 09 October 2020

A very touching poem that captures a true and caring heart. Yes, true love can be found in a place where we never expect to find. The wonders of love. Beautifully crafted write.Five Stars! ! !

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Anjandev Roy 08 October 2020

Diamonds lying deep under the black soil.....brilliant piece....thank u, dear poet....anjandev roy.

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Yes, dear poet like the diamond lying deep under the black soil invaluable love that unattractive people carry in their heart is not always recognised

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M Asim Nehal 08 October 2020

Though they same your body or appearance is the gateway to heart but they are sadly mistaken. Love is blind it only sees the heart, a caring, a lovable. A thoughtful poem .10**

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Thank you dear Asim for the comments. Our perception about love and it's source is mistaken. It can be from quite strange corners

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