Disney Love Poem by Tiffany Wolf

Disney Love

Rating: 5.0

You are my Mickey to my Minnie,
My Donald to my Daisy.
Baby, I love you,
You don't know how you amaze me.
You are the honey to my Pooh,
The Cinderella to my Charming Prince.
There's no one I have wanted,
No one I have thought of since.
The Eric to my Ariel,
Dwarfs to Snow White.
Looking up,
I am thinking of you an this beautiful starry night.
Timon to Puumba,
Mulan to Shane.
All of these Disney characters love each other,
Just as we do the same.
I love you like Woody loves Bo Peep,
Like all of these Disney couples.
I will love you through all of the poisoned apples, dragons, and witches,
I will love you through all of the troubles.

C.R. Clark 07 February 2009

This is a unique write, I like it. A somewhat humorous expression of undying love. Well penned. Thanks Richard

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Eyan Desir 28 January 2009

sweet, u sure got a big heart

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Joseph Poewhit 28 January 2009

I use to watch Disney when he was live on TV. Davy Crockett was my hero back then.. Always had a standard of editing for goodness.

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creative but i thought it could have been executed better.

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I agree with Brad great poem I liked how you compared your love to disney

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