Diversity Poem by Tom Billsborough


Rating: 5.0

The word will settle like a leaf
Upon your palm. The word
Is love and think how many
Veins subtend from central
Stems in radii to different
Points, enriched by chlorophyll
By the first touch of sunlight.

And who should question what
Should be the spirit's flight
Or its direction? Love is love,
So complex in its origins,
We hardly understand its choices
Or its destinations.

So raise nofrenzied voices
In denial of certain kinds of love,
Woman to woman, man to man,
Nature chooses different
Pathways which we are bound to follow.
The chlorophyll is equal in each hollow
Vein or artery and
The sun's touch the same.

The word will settle like a snowflake
On your palm. The word is love
And know that every pattern
Is unique and beauty lies
Concealed in this diversity.

Wednesday, September 9, 2020
Topic(s) of this poem: love
M. Asim Nehal 28 January 2024

I voted this poem but didn't leave my comments, Yes only Love remains even after we are gone.

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Susan Williams 17 January 2021

GORGEOUS! ! But what I want to know is if you are still here? ? ? ? ? ? ?

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Bri Edwards 11 September 2020

stanza 1: i can't decide if you are talkin' 'bout a leaf, a human hand, or " love" . hmm? stanza 3: " no frenzied voices" or " nonfrenzied voices" ? I'll bet " no frenzied" . 100 £? Bet? I like what i feel you are trying to say. Diversity in sexual 'orientation' is about " Pathways which we are bound to follow." bri :) thanks for sharing.

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Dr John Bryson 09 September 2020

A master poet resurrected.

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Deluke Muwanigwa 09 September 2020

Beautifully penned. Agreed. We should not be quick to judge things we do not create. The Boeing 737 Max we can compare with Airbus A320 neo cause we made it. Life and God's creations ah ah! Not our calling. Great poem

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Tom Billsborough

Tom Billsborough

Preston Lancashire England
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