Dreamers Thinkers Believers Poem by Elena Sandu

Dreamers Thinkers Believers

Humans, we're being taught to sit back
and keep away from associating big words to 'I'.
Sir Modesty, would be a tool to soothe the soul
but also be a heavy chain, escape from the land
of our kind lady Moderation's control.
At first glance, thoughts about those
dreamers, thinkers, believers, made me gasp: Wow!
How great, to have a mind preoccupied by changes, isn't it such a noble thing!
But again, I was reminded how those people
were often singled out, isolated, and given
more irony and laughs, than admiration claps.
How many of our world's dreamers, thinkers
or believers died in poverty and loneliness?
Who could know, how could we count them all? To how many gorgeous minds, out of all
were gifted a social great glory?
Yet, I would dare to guess, maybe the unknown
were not filled with much unhappiness.
As they may have found something smart which could never be bought
with a favour at the court
or, to this day, a huge account at one or several banks.
Those people instead,
found the freedom of mind,
freedom of heart, freedom of soul.
Is there a greater happiness?
After all, maybe I was right to say "WOW! "
One day after long gone
I could hardly have the honour to be perceived as such:
A dreamer that dreamed of peaceful worlds,
A thinker? ! Umm…A bow to lady Modesty. Could such thoughts and bows stop me try look for new ways, of walking us people back towards harmony path one with the Nature's aim
as believers, grateful followers of Her Highness,
Hope not.

Ahmed Abomahfouz 19 August 2014

why Sister? why you kill the innocence in our hearts

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Om Chawla 09 May 2014

May your dream be fulfilled. An interesting and a purposeful wish.

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Hans Vr 29 April 2014

Superb write, fully agree with it. A joy to read.

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Danny Draper 21 April 2014

I hope to such a world and to dream your dreams and share your visions. A fine poem of peace and vision.

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