Emotional Walls! Poem by Tracey TEE

Emotional Walls!

Rating: 5.0

Coldness settles in my bones
it's thoughts of you that keep me warm,

Though all alone I sit and think
pondering into yesterday.

It makes no sense to punish myself
for making a mistake,

I can not shake this cold that settles
leaving me to lie awake.

What ifs no longer matter,
so much time has passed away

the distance creates bitterness
of mind games we used to play

questions reveal no answers
still waiting for you to say

The words behind your feelings
which you revealed to me that day.

Your face a distant memory
imprinted in my soul

your words forever haunt me
wherever I may go

Emotional walls around me
keeping pain away

no longer can you hurt me
these walls are here to stay.

Fiona Davidson 05 May 2009

Excellent stuff Tracy...we all keep tight hold of those emotional walls...not always a good idea though...Fi 10+++

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Joseph Poewhit 05 May 2009

Sad when emotional hurt makes us shut the outside out.

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Kevin Wells 17 May 2009

I think many people will identify with these words, Trace... I know I do! Love it! Kev.

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You explained your emotions so well and took me on a journey to the end where 'no longer can you hurt me, these walls are here to stay. A very sensitive and meaningful poem. 10 Karin Anderson

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Stephen Stirk 07 May 2009

Great one Trace. You have that amazing quality of expression, and the ability to tip it out onto paper. I truly love your work. Once hurt, the barriers go up for inner protection. The real victims are the ones who have no defences. Best Steve

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Sue Sie 05 May 2009

This poem is full of emotion Tracy...walls are there to be broken down.... when ready...10++

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Carl Harris 05 May 2009

This is a very touching and tenerly written poem, Tracy, and having experienced some of these same feelings in my life, emotional walls are fine in the short term, but over the long term, chain one's heart to the past, and do not permit a new love to enter that lonely heart. Perhaps you may keep the walls, but at least leave the gate unlocked, so that a new lover may enter your heart one day. Carl.

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