An Honest Poet Poem by Tracey TEE

An Honest Poet

Rating: 5.0

Poetry makes the heart grow fonder
A fellow poet... like an open book
Every line he writes is a day in his life
exposing his inner soul to the world
his humble words touch our hearts
in return for such honesty we pen
our own thoughts to create a
diary of our lives within a verse
A true Poet is at his greatest
when he is truthfull with himself,

Raj Arumugam 25 June 2009

poetry and truth and honesty are indeed so closely linked as your poem suggests, Tracy a good poem on poetry and the poet

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Fiona Davidson 25 June 2009

This is so true Tracy...excellent write...Fi 10++++

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Fay Slimm 25 June 2009

Your last line is a summation of a good poet Tracy and so glad you reminded us....10 + ++ and thank you from Fay.

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I really love the way you have written this Tracy. 'An open book, exposing our inner soul'. This would sit so well in the preface of a poetry book. When I have dared to expose my soul wondering if poets will be shocked, I have found they too have had similar experiences. This makes for wonderful fellowship and sharing with each other. 10 Karin Anderson

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Kesav Easwaran 06 July 2009

true words Tracy...hold good for poetry and poets both...nice write...thanks...10

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Shirley Anne Alexander 28 November 2018

Exactly. Honesty in a writer's words will always add an element of sincerity.

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Original Unknown Girl 29 December 2009

When I write.... this is exactly how I write. I believe all poetry must come from the heart if its to touch the reader. HG: -) xx

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Saadat Tahir 09 December 2009

beautiful....just simply beauiful yes the beauty of economy and truth... great TT cheers and ten

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Sathyanarayana M V S 27 August 2009

So true. so honest. Very well said.

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Ian Bowen 26 August 2009

Tracey, would agree with every word you penned.10/10 Regards, Ian

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