Eye (I) Monster Poem by AISWARYA T ANISH

Eye (I) Monster

Rating: 4.4

Last night, I saw a monster.
First it was just a shadow
By degrees it became clearer and clearer
Finally it stood out
Clear as clear can be.

Handless it was, really handless
With a shock I knew
That it was legless too
Yet, it was standing straighter than straight
In lieu of a head, all it had
Was an eye unconnected with its body
A most grotesque figure indeed

I was floored, was rolling on all fours
Thought the monster had me down
My eye shutters were shut tight
And a great struggle I undergone opening them
No sooner the shutters fell open
The monster had vanished
In its place I saw an ‘ i ’
In the book that had me sleep awhile.


(I wrote this when I was studying in 3rd standard. When I was studying my lessons I had this eye monster trapped in my mind. I modified this after a while.)

© Copyright Aiswarya T Anish, Kerala, India

Salaam Freeland 27 December 2008

You are a gifted writer and this is an intriguing piece of work. You wrote this when you were 7 years old? Wow.

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Rudy Hossam 30 December 2008

Wow u r so talented realy i can see u a great poem within a few years keep it up

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Ronald Summerville 02 January 2009

A+, on a Job Well done

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Sasidharan Vellat Menon 19 January 2009

Dreams can be so real when we are in its clutch. I had many experiences of unimaginable dreams. Your dream is of a troubled mind. Troubled mind will see such dreams. Your language is nice and marvellous for your age. In the years to come we hope to see nice works from a poet in the making. All the best.

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Abdul Karim 19 January 2009

This is a scene in poetry with immense interest, very lovely indeed.

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Thomas Koovalloor 14 September 2018

Even though it was written in your childhood, now there is meaning in it, and it is real, and now you are a Poet, a Writer, a Journalist, and a Public Speaker. You proved that you are really a Multi- talented personality. Congratulations Aiswarya. I was watching you, and now You are real.

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Rajaram Ramachandran 19 August 2009

It took me by suspense till the end, when at last I found it was a dream. Thank God.

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Seema Chowdhury 13 July 2009

very nice and sweet. continue to write. read some of my poems too.

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Pandian Angelina 11 July 2009

WOW! To be inspired by the shape of an alphabet, a symbol of ego, when most of us would have been at play. Indeed a treasure, your poem shows your potential and talent. Express your thought and emotions as poems and polish them at leisure into brilliant pieces of poetry. I love this work totally. Angel

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premji premji 27 June 2009

aishu, kill those monsters with the spear of poetry................

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