Growing Old Poem by Mihaela Pirjol

Growing Old

Rating: 5.0

If am I to throb
for your love no more:
What else,
constant in time remains?
which with its touch does modify...
I feel,
as if I live without my being—
the one I met with meeting you
has departed from me,
and with you, it has gone...
I turn to music, books, films,
in hope that I may catch a glimpse
of how we used to feel,
of how we used to be,
in their protagonists:
they are performers—
We were real!
Just glimpses of heaven,
like days vanishing
in the darkness of nights,
where the twinkling stars
are beckoning at memories—
recalling fragments of beatitude...
As I grow old, and weary,
I fear I may lose you again, my dearest!
This time, —forever,
along with my memory...

Wednesday, September 14, 2016
Topic(s) of this poem: aging,love and life,memories,nostalgia
Rajesh Thankappan 15 September 2016

This is a plausible and yet fearful scenario. If memories fade away and the throb of life is lost, our very existence is altered and disfigured. Loved it.10

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Hazel Durham 15 September 2016

Growing old is not easy specially if we lose our partners and then the ultimate fear we can't remember the memories of the way we were. This is an outstanding write of growing old without your beloved, the loss of oneself without your beloved is a feeling of hopelessness of frenzied activities to look at films, books and music to bring back to life the memories and the final reality of the realisation that you are losing all that is dear as your memory starts to go.

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Mehta Hasmukh Amathalal 14 September 2016

Nice one... good poem Lose you for But I shall lose you for ever To remain closer

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Spock The Vegan 14 September 2016

Thought-provoking poem. I am getting old very fast. Some do lose their memory. Very sad....10

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Kumarmani Mahakul 14 September 2016

Remaining constant in time is not possible as time runs very fast here. Just glimpses of heaven we feel in twinkling of stars. Darkness of night puzzles but light remains in love. Aging brings fear of loosing love again. But finding this life strengthens. Interesting and very thoughtful this sharing is.10

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