How Thomas Felt Poem by Mary Spain

How Thomas Felt

Rating: 5.0

I know how Thomas felt; although he saw
Their shining faces telling him what they
Had seen, for him it could be nothing more
Than second-hand experience: the way
Of learning, not the way of truth. I know
What Thomas craved: not proof that satisfies
Vague doubts - for who can doubt the inner glow
Of witnesses - he longed to feast his eyes,
To hear with his own ears what they had heard,
To fall upon his knees and, as he knelt,
To touch Christ's hem. He did not doubt their word,
He envied them. I know how Thomas felt:
Like all of us he longed to cry, 'I know! ',
Not murmur feebly, 'Someone told me so'.

Tailor Bell 04 August 2006

This is so true, so good your poem, inspiring me... -T. Bell

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Bill Thomas 20 February 2008

How true, Mary, &, again, so well crafted. I see so many Thomases where I teach, & when the odd one visibly grasps something the difference is so, so clear. Thank you.

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Don Mcwilliams 04 March 2008

Brilliantly insightful, Mary! How refreshing to read original thought on issues of religion, particularly in a time when our religious leaders prefer to spoon-feed the official, sanctioned idea to us, and watch us nod in agreement as we reach for our wallet. Don

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Fay Slimm 07 September 2008

Brilliantly leading us into the mind of Thomas and the end line is the superb surprise. Thank you Mary for such original thinking.

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Ashraful Musaddeq 30 September 2008

Amazing composition.10 for it.

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Ian Fraser 16 September 2011

This is your best poem Mary, despite its antiquated style. I know why you like the antiquated style, but since Wilfred Owen it is impossible to write in it. It belongs to another, long since vanished world. As does (sadly) the world of belief. The problem of today is that we can accept neither absolute religious faith (9/11) nor 'I told you so'. The only faith that we must adhere to is scepticism. And the likelihood that we will be proved wrong..........

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Ian Fraser 16 September 2011

This is your best poem Mary, despite its antiquated style. I know why you like the antiquated style, but since Wilfred Owen it is impossible to write in it. It belongs to another, long since vanished world. As does (sadly) the world of belief. The problem of today is that we can accept neither absolute religious faith (9/11) nor 'I told you so'. The only faith that we must adhere to is scepticism. And the likelihood that we will be proved wrong..........

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Dr Hitesh Sheth 14 March 2009

Even if one is in midst of spirtual one may doubt isnt it a hallucination......... unless one reach the highest peak of spirtual experience the doubt couldnt cease. ........... Even christ said father why thou has forsaken me............. Good write...........

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Katherine Cobing 11 December 2008

I think it was good...really good.

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Shaun William Hayes 30 October 2008

Brilliant, insightful, well written - guess I liked it then! !

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