Hushed In Your Womb Poem by sania harris

Hushed In Your Womb

Rating: 5.0

As a cell, I float around
I am just another night’s pleasure
My goal is my mom’s womb
Am I a problem or a treasure?

I finally reach my home
Peaceful, safe and straight
My joy, words can’t tome
To be born, I simply await

I’ll breathe the fresh air
And be the way I should
I’ll always say a little prayer
I will always smile, I would

As I silently lay in your womb
Waiting to come out, a happy child
I knew not, I was to go to my tomb
If I had known, I would have gone wild!

I can hear my mom scream
And feel her painful heart
I am sure it’s no wicked dream
I know not, within days I will part!

My parents decide, another way
“Not this, not now” they say
To hear, I tried all the way I could
But I knew, it was no good

My baby mind screams all it can
To be alive for one more day
I cry, I weep, I moan, I wail
But no one hears my say!

Alas! I go back to my beloved God
To where I belonged in the start
I try to smile, though it was odd
I try hard to impart

My stunted fingers and baby toes
Are touched by none ever
If once had they heard my plea
I would have been like you, a man!

NOVEMBER 14,2008

Hasina Khan 14 November 2008

Wow, these words are so deep. I felt a chill right through me. Great stuff.

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Afreen Khan 15 November 2008

sania sania.... ur EXCELLENT...... srsly... i m nt able 2 describe it.... keep writin.... make it 100.......20+ frm me! ! ! !

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Blue Eyes 16 November 2008

i like the imagery in this poem it is well penned.

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Very good imagination which is great to be used.. Great piece

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DAZZLIN DNA 18 November 2008

just started reading your poems. this one has touched me, for I already have 4 children, just cant have any more/ even though i pray and wish for one more, I can't/ good wording good poem

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Paige S 02 July 2009

This is amazing! Abortion is murder; it is so wrong, and you have expressed it so well. Try to get this into a newspaper or something- it's message needs to be circulated! 10++++++++++! It is in my favorites! !

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Elizabeth Mpanga 26 January 2009

i am speechless. all i can say is God forgive us all.

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Raymichelle Springer 26 January 2009

sweetheart i enjoyed this poem though sad i liked it. i would love to know where your inspiration came from to write it? ?

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Sebastine Humaemo 21 December 2008

wow sania...what a versatile of the best poems i seen...........10+ for sure........sebastine

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Sulaiman Mohd Yusof 01 December 2008

Its a very touching piece and yet a reality that we can't help to see.Excellent wirtes Sania.

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