I Found Another Website! Poem by Mary Nagy

I Found Another Website!

I found another website
cause the fights had brought me down.
I searched the web for days...
another site in 'Cyber-town'.

I logged into the home-page
and checked the place all out.
Then someone from the forum
gave a big ol' growly shout!

I heard it through my speaker.
My mouse gave out a squeak!
I looked up at the heading that read
'Topic Of The Week'

'What makes a poem a good one? '
and 'Do You Think Rhyme's Dead? '
I think I said a cuss-word....
(but, it was only in my head!)

I thought that I had stumbled
into another new dimension
cause in their so-called 'lobby'
they all fought for the attention.

There were the angry voices
and I had to plug my ears.
The men were all puffed up with pride
(wise....even beyond their years)

There was a dark-haired woman
with a tongue as sharp as razor.
She joined the hunt to catch a bear...
(they shot him with a taser) .

I realized I missed my home
and couldn't run away.
I see this is the place I love
and this is where I'll stay.

Lawrence S. Pertillar 07 March 2006

TEASE! You love it and you know it! I like this poem because it expresses 'familiar' frustrations of many, I'm sure! The Forum should be divided into separate categories: (1) Sex and Vivid Visions (2) Sex and Vivid Visions of Livid Poets and (3) Sex and Vivid Visions of Livid Poets Who Enjoy Cat Fights With Other Poets That Make Attempts To Ignore Them But Return Because the Annoying Confrontations Are Missed! L

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Chuck Audette 07 March 2006

Cute! Now click those ruby slippers together and repeat 'there is no place like home' a million times in the forum. Hmm..maybe I should visit that other website and torture them for a while with my bad poetry... -chuck

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Uriah Hamilton 10 March 2006

Praise God for the sacred word wherever it resides.

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Mary Nagy 08 March 2006

Nah, Ray, I appreciate the thought behind your comment but I wasn't too serious with this poem. I was just kidding and thought I'd write this. It does seem though, no matter which site you go to...it's the same (human nature) . Sincerely, Mary :) I actually love this website, all it's craziness too!

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David Gerardino 07 March 2006

MARY, nice poem.......................

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Ernestine Northover 07 March 2006

Having found this on the Forum Mary, and having posted you a message regarding it, I shall say only that this is brilliant and so true. To you, as I have said before, Bravo! Love Ernestine XXX

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Duncan Wyllie 07 March 2006

Mary, to lose you would be like going into the garden and cutting down a rose just because you could.We would be at a great loss.Love Duncan

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