Invest In Peace Sow Paradise On Earth Poem by Terence George Craddock

Invest In Peace Sow Paradise On Earth

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I believe in peace and have been persecuted
for a love of peace belief for many years
by people brain washed into thinking war is
right war is good, and peace is weak peace

is wrong, because they believe in media lies
truth manipulations, telling them war is justified
righteous needed to protect their country from third
world people unlucky enough to live on land

full of valuable desired coveted resources;
ignorant people will believe politician liars,
spinning hate invasion agendas, because
spin doctors write speeches, telling citizens

blind patriotic, that their children freedom, is
endangered by freedom fighters fighting to protect
their invaded land, individuals oppressed destroyed
by alien supreme high-tech invasion war machines;

wake up people peace is beautiful, sharing water air life land;
is beautiful, sowing peace prosperity health tolerance
education is beautiful, turning swords into plough shares
tilling land growing food, spending trillions spent on wars

on peace people medicine technology buildings
to improve the lives of all people on this earth,
sharing this earth is sowing seeds of sacred paradise
realized on this our earth in our own generation;

Copyright © Terence George Craddock

Original version of the split images 'Truth Manipulations Telling Selling Citizens War Is Justified', 'War Is Legalized Murder', 'Liberating Coveted Resources War Invasion Spoils', 'Spin Doctors Writing Propaganda War Speeches', 'Liberty Birth Produces Freedom Fighters' and 'Blessed Sacred Peace Realized' by the poet Terence George Craddock.
Edward Kofi Louis 19 June 2016

Positiveness! ! For the love of peace. Thanks for sharing this poem with us.

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Terry Craddock 19 June 2016

the love of peace, the promotion of peace, has been a theme I have pursued for many years, I remember being ridiculed for writing 'Recipe For Peace' back in July 1991, so thank you for supporting a theme so close to my heart

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Kim Barney 19 June 2016

Congratulations, my friend! A well-deserved choice for poem of the day! If only the world thought as you do, there would be no more war. Well done!

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Terry Craddock 19 June 2016

others think the same way, the lovers of peace the victims of war, we dream of a time when people will get the chance to live in peace, when beauty and human life is valued more than war profits, thanks for believing in peace Kim

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Kelly Kurt 19 June 2016

I wish peace to you, Terence and to all humans. Congrats on poem of the day

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Terry Craddock 09 July 2016

I Especially Love Peace blessings of peace prosperity peace bestowed upon all people bestowed upon all nations civilizations inhabiting planet earth blessings of peace to all human beings this should be the birth right of all people from all cultures on this earth this should be the inherent legacy we leave to all our children who follow us eventually humanity will live in peace eventually humanity will live in enlightenment or humanity will perish humanity will not survive peace happiness prosperity is our true birthright Copyright © Terence George Craddock Inspired by the poem 'Invest In Peace Sow Paradise On Earth' by the poet Terence George Craddock.

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Terry Craddock 09 July 2016

I Have Written Many Recipes For Peace the love of peace the promotion of peace is a theme ever close to my heart, the rejection of terror wars is written in my heart; I have written many recipes for peace come copy the recipes share menu peace the lovers of peace the victims of war hurt, we dream of a time when people will get the chance; to live in peace when beauty human life is valued more than war profits, thanks for believing in peace thanks for cooking recipes for peace thanks for burning menus serving up wars; Copyright © Terence George Craddock Inspired by the poem 'Invest In Peace Sow Paradise On Earth' by the poet Terence George Craddock.

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M Asim Nehal 19 June 2016

Peace is what we all sort out in this world, a world without peace is like a bowl with boiling oil. Congrats for the poem of the day.

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Jayatissa K. Liyanage 19 June 2016

Peace is what we all need. However, capital invested on technology, for development, has forced the world to chaos. It continues in to the future as well. Can this dilemma be stopped by any means? Yet, good hearted people like you, in what ever capacity need to raise a voice for peace. You did that. Congratulations for being the poem of the day.

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Ratnakar Mandlik 19 June 2016

sharing this earth is sowing sacred seeds of paradise. Hats off for this beautiful realization conceptualized in this equally beautiful and meaningful poem and congrats for it's selection as Poem Of The Day.

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