It's Good To Feel You Are Close To Me Poem by Pablo Neruda

It's Good To Feel You Are Close To Me

Rating: 3.2

It's good to feel you are close to me in the night, love,
invisible in your sleep, intently nocturnal,
while I untangle my worries
as if they were twisted nets.

Withdrawn, your heart sails through dream,
but your body, relinquished so, breathes
seeking me without seeing me perfecting my dream
like a plant that seeds itself in the dark.

Rising, you will be that other, alive in the dawn,
but from the frontiers lost in the night,
from the presence and the absence where we meet ourselves,

something remains, drawing us into the light of life
as if the sign of the shadows had sealed
its secret creatures with flame.

It's Good To Feel You Are Close To Me
Fabrizio Frosini 23 November 2015

''It’s good to feel you are close to me in the night, love, '' - - SPANISH TEXT from 'Cien sonetos de amor' Soneto LXXXIII Es bueno, amor, sentirte cerca de mí en la noche, invisible en tu sueño, seriamente nocturna, mientras yo desenredo mis preocupaciones como si fueran redes confundidas. Ausente, por los sueños tu corazón navega, pero tu cuerpo así abandonado respira buscándome sin verme, completando mi sueño como una planta que se duplica en la sombra. Erguida, serás otra que vivirá mañana, pero de las fronteras perdidas en la noche, de este ser y no ser en que nos encontramos algo queda acercándonos en la luz de la vida como si el sello de la sombra señalara con fuego sus secretas criaturas.

11 2 Reply
Brian Jani 27 April 2014

Awesome I like this poem, check mine out 

4 8 Reply
Primrose Tee 05 May 2014

nice poem really nice

6 1 Reply
M Asim Nehal 28 September 2016

I think this is one of the best Love poems I have come across in the recent past......

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Anita Aparajita Das 27 September 2017

something remains, drawing us into the light of life as if the sign of the shadows had sealed its secret creatures with flame. Beautiful poem. Thanks poet.

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Ratnakar Mandlik 08 April 2019

" something remains, drawing us into light of life. Nice poem. Pleasure to read.

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Savita Tyagi 27 August 2018

Reading the poem is like seeing the play of two shadows entwined yet having their own hidden partial existence become visible time to time. Marvelous!

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Fredrick Nemes 27 August 2018

Such a nice reminder on how love is good to us all.

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Mahtab Bangalee 27 August 2018

greatly written- It’s good to feel you are close to me in the night, love ........... something remains, drawing us into the light of life //// great lets, seek something difference my way to this love Yes- to this love I've come invention! discovering! Oh! sail I the boat of breath to this LOVE...........

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Bernard F. Asuncion 27 August 2018

Such a splendid write by Pablo Neruda👍👍👍

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