'' It's Not Easy Being A Bard '' Poem by Bri Mar

'' It's Not Easy Being A Bard ''

I have been told,
From many a fold,
I'm certainly not a poet,
Negative comments though leave me consoled,
It's not as if I didn't know it.

It can bring such joy,
Yes also annoy,
Yet the urge remains ever so strong,
It can create yet also destroy,
When others say if it's right or wrong.

You may find it funny,
There's rarely any money,
Though you'll constantly ask yourself why,
The answer is it makes your life sunny,
Common sense just doesn't apply.

Some will praise,
Your spirits they'll raise,
There are those who will then bring you down,
Their heinous comments will truly amaze,
At times they will bring on a frown.

But you'll carry on,
For you have brawn,
Your talents will forever shine through,
On the '' EXPERTS'' in life refuse to be drawn,
You know it's the best thing to do.

You'll always find peace,
In that Golden Fleece,
Though you'll be driven out of your mind,
Within your head there's a masterpiece,
But like the grail it can be so hard to find.

Never give in,
To do so is a sin,
Keep at it and you will gain pleasure,
All works of art emanate from within,
Joy and sadness come in equal measure.

If you've the will,
Utilise your skill,
First and foremost enjoy having fun,
Never ever allow your mind to stand still,
You know now what needs to be done.

It's now time to write,
Be it dark or bright,
This one could be your ace card,
At the end of a tunnel there will always be light,

‘' It's Not Easy Being A Bard ‘'

Tuesday, January 6, 2015
Topic(s) of this poem: writing
Bri Edwards 27 May 2016

Yes! ! Let us bards have fun? ? 2 years ago I put one of your poems into MyPoemsList aka My Favorite Poems. Alphabetically (it begins with As) it is first on my list. Today I glanced at the list and that is how I happened to read another one tpday. Another good one. I wonder if you still are coming to PH. Bri : ?

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Kumarmani Mahakul 06 January 2015

Its now time to write. Really beautiful poem shared on. Very nice job done really. Nice work.

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