Just Walk Across, Just Walk! ! ! Poem by M. Asim Nehal

Just Walk Across, Just Walk! ! !

Rating: 4.2

What are you thinking, why did you stop?
Just walk across, just walk

What do you know, what is here
This beautiful valley and lush greenery
Where will you get such scenery
Time is saying; everybody is walking towards
Just walk across, just walk

Why in your heart, thousand questions hidden?
Think about today, why worry for the future?
The things you know, talk about it
The one which is not yours, why worried about it
Just walk across, just walk

This life, never remained with anyone
When did it left, who knew about it
One who died, lost every senses
Then why remember, your past
Just walk across, just walk

Wednesday, October 5, 2016
Topic(s) of this poem: inspirational,life,philosophical
Juhaina Tumlu 30 July 2020

Inspiring poem. his life, never remained with anyone When did it left, who knew about it One who died, lost every senses Then why remember, your past Just walk across, just walk

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Nosheen Irfan 05 October 2016

A wise message. Just by walking on, we can reach somewhere. Many times we feel stuck in a rut, feeling at the end of the world but life goes on n our survival depends on our pace. We must keep moving. Thanku for this wonderful advice Asim.

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Mihaela Pirjol 05 October 2016

The repetitive line at the end of each stanza, echoes as a wise and compassionate voice, - as the interior, barely perceptive voice, that it can only be heard when we stop the mental activity: in a dream, day-dream, or reverie. This is an absolutely great poem!

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Edward Kofi Louis 05 October 2016

Think about today. Thanks for sharing.

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Aarzoo Mehek 05 October 2016

Very motivating poem Asim... Thanks for that little push...We all need such inspiration now and then to move ahead in life. Thanks for this motivating poem.10+++

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