Kindness Poem by Kim Barney

Kim Barney

Kim Barney

I was born in a bank - - my mother went there and made a deposit


Rating: 5.0

It's the kindly little thoughts you think,
The kindly deeds you do,
That make the thankful people
Think a lot of me and you.

Tuesday, December 15, 2015
Topic(s) of this poem: kindness,life,people
I just found a notebook that I turned in as an assignment for my tenth grade speech class (many, many years ago) ! This notebook had two of my original poems, written especially for that class. One of them (The Woodpecker)I remembered, but this shorter one presented here I had completely forgotten about.
I have taken the liberty of correcting my two misspellings of 'kindly' and the one of 'thankful'.
I know it's not great, but I was excited to find it. I was only fifteen years old when I wrote it.
I will also be posting 'The Woodpecker' after I finish posting this one.
Two of my lost poems found, and they weren't even mentioned in my poem LOST POEMS!

submitted midnight plus one minute Utah time 15 Dec 2015

I see that the time on my camera is incorrect. It is still set for the time in Recife, Brazil, which is four hours later than Utah time right now.

Correction: When I submitted the poem, I said it was for one of my eighth grade classes. I turned in a similar notebook in eighth grade. However, a more careful inspection of the notebook today reveals that it was for my speech class. I only had a speech class in tenth grade, so my apologies. (15 Dec 2015 5: 10 p.m. Utah time)

I must have been in a hurry to turn the notebook in to have three careless mistakes (not counting the cross-out)in the same short poem!
Sandra Feldman 15 December 2015

Very good for thirteen, Makes us see that even very young, Good poetic, human feelings had begun! Be kind, No better human quality, Will you find. A really sweet memory, thanks for sharing....

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Kumarmani Mahakul 15 December 2015

Kindness makes us think. Very thoughtful and nice sharing done definitely. Fantastic poem shared.10

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Nosheen Irfan 15 December 2015

Brevity..the one word to describe this poem. Saying a lot in a few words. Well penned.

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Kim Barney

Kim Barney

I was born in a bank - - my mother went there and made a deposit
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