King's Day 2020.... Poem by Sylvia Frances Chan

King's Day 2020....

Rating: 3.7

King's Day 2020....

today is King's Day in the Netherlands,
Monday April 27, starts at 10 AM Dutch Morn,

Congratulations on your 53rd birthday at home and we o.l.i.n.e. through the tube,

Your wish is that this is the very last King's Day party at home,

this time we are not celebrating it in a certain chosen city / village, that would have been Maastricht (prov. Limburg) ,
but just at home and say Cheers in our backyard,

the mayor of Maastricht has already asked the cabinet the following year:

whether Maastricht may be the hostess again,

she will get an answer next summer,
she sincerely hopes it is allowed,

now back to the original message:
Kingsday celebrations at home,
in connection with the coronavirus pandemic,

King Willem-Alexander stands with his family, Queen Maxima and their three beautiful daughters Princess Amalia, Princess Alexia and Princess Ariane,
for their house Paleis Huis Ten Bosch and addresses the whole of the Netherlands,

that was 10 o'clock this morning, tonight at 8 o'clock there will be dancing in our own houses, toasting again with Oranje Bitter
(special drink only available on King's Day)

Another very nice party at home in Paleis Ten Bosch,

Hip Hip Hooray!
Majesty in the Gloria!

Sylvia F.C., one of the 17 million citizens
Monday, April 27,2020 - King's Day
Dutch afternoon

This is a translation of the poem Koningsdag 2020.... by Sylvia Frances Chan
Monday, April 27, 2020
Topic(s) of this poem: birthday,birthday greetings,tribute
that was 10 o'clock this morning, tonight at 8 o'clock there will be dancing in our own houses, toasting again with Oranje Bitter
(special drink only available on King's Day)

Another very nice party at home in Paleis Ten Bosch,

Hip Hip Hooray!
Majesty in the Gloria!

Sylvia F.C., one of the 17 million citizens
Monday, April 27,2020 - King's Day
Dutch afternoon
Rose Marie Juan-austin 28 April 2020

A lovely poem on the occasion of King's Day of the Netherlands. A beautiful birthday message. Celebration can still be made wonderful and meaningful even at these times of uncertainty. Thoughtful and loving people can make our special day memorable like the great Poetess who has woven this poem for the King Of Netherlands. Beautifully written imbued with information.

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Akhtar Jawad 27 April 2020

A beautiful poem, greetings with mixed feelings.

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Kumarmani Mahakul 27 April 2020

On your 53rd birthday of King of the Netherlands you have penned an excellent and beautiful tribute poem. Another very nice party at home in Paleis Ten Bosch will be celebrated. God's blessings will definitely fall on King. This poem is interestingly and beautifully penned. Thank you very much for sharing this work with us., ...10

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and he wishes that celebrating like this will be for the last time.IF I may tell you this is the first time too! Not the usual way, usually we can shake hands with him in the town he is visiting with his family. Thank you so much for your precious 10 too, Sir.

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Thank you so much dear Master Poet Kumarmani Mahakul Sir! I am happy and have glee to read your great response on my humble poem for King Willem-Alexander. This time we cannot shake hands with the King in the town where it should be celebratingn with the citizens, the town is Maastricht and lies in the province of Limburg. This time the King is talking to us through the TV.

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Sylvia Frances Chan

Sylvia Frances Chan

Jakarta, Indonesia
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