Kiss Me Poem by Ernestine Northover

Kiss Me

Rating: 4.9

Kiss me and make it seem better,
Kiss me and quiet my heart,
I never once asked for a letter,
Stating you wanted to part.

Kiss me and declare you were wrong dear,
Kiss me and confirm it's okay,
Say all those things that I so want to hear,
And wipe all my tears away.

Kiss me and let's stay together,
Kiss me and pour out the wine,
Sit with me on my sofa of leather,
And say that everything will be fine.

Kiss me and tell me you love me,
Kiss me with passion to spare,
Don't think of leaving, that is my plea
And also my ardent prayer.

Kiss me, I need you so deeply,
Kiss me, what more can I say,
But with reality looming before me,
This dream has just melted away.

© Ernestine Northover

Kiss Me
Ernest Makuakua 28 December 2015

Thank you for such a wonderful piece its beautiful Kiss me and declare you were wrong dear, Kiss me and confirm it's okay, Say all those things that I so want to hear, And wipe all my tears away. Kiss me and let's stay together, Kiss me and pour out the wine, Sit with me on my sofa of leather, And say that everything will be fine

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Andrew Blakemore 09 July 2008

A very touching poem Ernestine, pure quality. Love Andrew

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Dr Antony Theodore 27 December 2015

Kiss me and let's stay together, Kiss me and pour out the wine, Sit with me on my sofa of leather, And say that everything will be fine. when the dream melts away, the reader is also very sad. very touching poem dear poetess. thank you. tony

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Nickoli Rominofsky 25 January 2006

Ahhhhh, there are times, when a kiss is not merely a kiss. A really fine poem. Nickoli

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Daniel Tyler 02 March 2006

This is a very emotional piece Ernestine- you carry its sentiment very well.

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Julia Luber 24 June 2019

Cheeky and smart- always a great subject for a poem, a kiss, and this one is done well!

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Britte Ninad 23 May 2019

Kiss me and tell me you love me, Kiss me with passion to spare, ........ sometimes eccentricity does not spare me without kiss

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Prabir Gayen 15 December 2018

Fantastic poem..I love it very much..

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John Beaton 25 September 2018

Sad, Ernestine, but well delivered. Kiss me is the perfect refrain. Nice to find a poet writing so comfortably in rhyme and meter.

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Marvin Tordillos 11 September 2018

So beautiful! I love this poem, thank you for writing this.

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