Hold You In My Smile Poem by Ernestine Northover

Hold You In My Smile

Rating: 4.2

Sweet moment, stay with me,
and pray do not flee so soon,
Let me enjoy the bliss of that
first kiss beneath the moon.
I wish to cradle this feeling,
that has only just been found,
A feeling that has unexpectedly
turned my world around.
Do not depart, Oh please remain
within my heart awhile,
So that I can savour you once more,
and hold you in my smile.

Subhas Chandra Chakra 29 August 2017

A feeling that has unexpectedly turned my world around. Do not depart, Oh please remain within my heart awhile, So that I can savour you once more, and hold you in my smile. Beautiful poem.

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Sanjukta Sahoo 05 September 2017

Do not depart, Oh please remain within my heart awhile, So that I can savour you once more, and hold you in my smile. Nicely penned. 10++

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Ratnakar Mandlik 01 April 2016

Marvelously conceived stunning yet very simple poem. Heartiest Congrats on the Poem of the Day.

5 2 Reply
Benjamin Wiche 24 August 2016

Remain with me deep within let this smile stay. lovely poem Do not depart, Oh please remain within my heart awhile, So that I can savour you once more, and hold you in my smile.

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Pritam Bhowmick 25 June 2017

Lovely work. Really well written!

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John Carter Brown 03 April 2024

A lovely little poem Ernestine.

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Tyler Cobb 28 March 2024

This poem is written wonderfully! With the ability to understand the emotion in every word!

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Tyler Cobb 22 February 2024

I really love all the lines of this it very well expresses the feelings we hold for someone such as when we're young and have/meet that first love that we think is the perfect one! very well written! 👍👍

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Laurie Hill 21 February 2024

A very beautiful and gentle poem, a remembrance.

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Tom Cunningham 03 January 2024

Beautifully romantic Ernrstine

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