Speak not, to me, of mundane things,
The daily chores, which dull the mind,
But converse with a gentle voice that sings,
As if all the golden thoughts you find,
Have materialized thus, on scripted wings,
Leaving one's humdrum life behind.
© Ernestine Northover
But converse with a gentle voice that sings, As if all the golden thoughts you find, Very very nice poem scripted wings.......... wonderful.! ! tony
A fabulous little piece of work...! I loved the fascinating line, But converse with a gentle voice that sings. Congrats
Very nice. And I know the feeling. I'm not a small-talker.
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so few words but the message is huge, a pleasure to read, my congrats
It's so nice to escape, dull things and to just, live in the moment of pleasure. Good poem
pretty sense of being moved by song and poetry- very nice and true: thanks!
This poem has not been translated into any other language yet.
I would like to translate this poem
A lovely poem Ernestine. A gentle reminder to transcend above the mundane conversations. Thank you