Knocked Up Poem by Henry Lawson

Knocked Up

Rating: 3.4

I'm lyin' on the barren ground that's baked and cracked with drought,
And dunno if my legs or back or heart is most wore out;
I've got no spirits left to rise and smooth me achin' brow --
I'm too knocked up to light a fire and bile the billy now.

Oh it's trampin', trampin', tra-a-mpin', in flies an' dust an' heat,
Or it's trampin' trampin' tra-a-a-mpin'
through mud and slush 'n sleet;
It's tramp an' tramp for tucker -- one everlastin' strife,
An' wearin' out yer boots an' heart in the wastin' of yer life.

They whine o' lost an' wasted lives in idleness and crime --
I've wasted mine for twenty years, and grafted all the time
And never drunk the stuff I earned, nor gambled when I shore --
But somehow when yer on the track yer life seems wasted more.

A long dry stretch of thirty miles I've tramped this broilin' day,
All for the off-chance of a job a hundred miles away;
There's twenty hungry beggars wild for any job this year,
An' fifty might be at the shed while I am lyin' here.

The sinews in my legs seem drawn, red-hot -- 'n that's the truth;
I seem to weigh a ton, and ache like one tremendous tooth;
I'm stung between my shoulder-blades -- my blessed back seems broke;
I'm too knocked out to eat a bite -- I'm too knocked up to smoke.

The blessed rain is comin' too -- there's oceans in the sky,
An' I suppose I must get up and rig the blessed fly;
The heat is bad, the water's bad, the flies a crimson curse,
The grub is bad, mosquitoes damned -- but rheumatism's worse.

I wonder why poor blokes like me will stick so fast ter breath,
Though Shakespeare says it is the fear of somethin' after death;
But though Eternity be cursed with God's almighty curse --
What ever that same somethin' is I swear it can't be worse.

For it's trampin', trampin', tra-a-mpin' thro' hell across the plain,
And it's trampin' trampin' tra-a-mpin' thro' slush 'n mud 'n rain --
A livin' worse than any dog -- without a home 'n wife,
A-wearin' out yer heart 'n soul in the wastin' of yer life.

Claudia Krizay 27 April 2011

This poem does nothing for me- nothing positive, that is.

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Claudia Krizay 27 April 2011

This poem does nothing for me except make me feel superior-

5 10 Reply
Terence George Craddock 27 April 2010

Henry Lawson remains one of the greatest reads in early Aussie Lit. A unique insight from a unique land and a time when an immigrant nation had already declared their metal at Lone Pine and ANZAC Cove, events that helped shape our two nations at Gallipoli. This spirit Lawson so well describes in 'Knockered Up' was embodied in the wild colonial boys who fought in the Dardanelles Campaign. The Aussie blood and bravery at Lone Pine, the large number of Victoria Crosses they won there, allowed the Auckland and Wellington rifles to finally take the high ground at Chunuk Bair, and hold it for several days, before the British Navy in error shelled and killed most of the last kiwi survivors, a military blunder kept secret until the 1980s and rarely discussed. This poems uses so many words that accurately fit the heat and suffering of those diggers on that exposed sun baked ground.

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Juan Olivarez 27 April 2011

I must say in all honesty I was never familiar with Lawson, but his poem is excellent. Living in and working in the great outback must have been the ultimate test of survival. Now we must wait for Pruchnicki to come and foul the water.

6 8 Reply

Soldiers identify with their country, more or less, what's more Aussie people had British Empire. Mr Lawson seemed to have only himself, more or less. It's true that drought is the same everywhere. He is a tremendous poet and a great discovery for an Italian, of course.

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Bill Cantrell 03 August 2024

This is pathetic for good poetry….. every time I think about coming back to Paul home and stuff like this changes my mind

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Sylvia Frances Chan 03 August 2024

I have read this great poem with tremendous inner sadness and melancholy. A brilliant Australian poem by the only poet who got a State Funeral in Australia. That's amazing!

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Sylvia Frances Chan 03 August 2024

Most deserving poem today chosen again by Poem Hunter and Team as The Classic Poem Of The Day.

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Sylvia Frances Chan 03 August 2024

This poem portrays the harsh realities of those living on the Australian frontier during the late 19th century. The tone is one of resignation and hopelessness. Lawson's poem is oft of greatest reality. TOP Marks and Thanks for sharing

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Brooke Renwick 03 August 2024

Henry Lawson uses longer lines but is still able to measure well I have noticed.

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Henry Lawson

Henry Lawson

Grenfell, New South Wales
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