Laws Of Forest Poem by ramesh rai

Laws Of Forest

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Forests are more sacred place
where no discrimination exists
discrimination prevails only
within human society
so sages go to forest
to exercise their mortification
to attain supreme light.

So many fauna and flora
are survived under forest laws
neither the law is sold here
nor it is purchased
love and peace sound here much

Ask any creature of forest
where do they like most
certainly it is forest.

Saturday, March 22, 2014
Topic(s) of this poem: Love
Gajanan Mishra 22 March 2014

love and peace are the basics of life, thanks.

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Hazel Durham 23 March 2014

The enchanting forest cast it's spell over man and beast to allow it's serenity to empower us to live and let live! Beautiful write!

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Tirupathi Chandrupatla 23 March 2014

Forest has all the wisdom that we need. Nicely said. Thank you.

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A powerful perspective on non discrimination that humans can learn from plants and animals. Well done my friend!

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Akhtar Jawad 15 June 2014

Forests are the wealth of a country. A home for many creators. A home for sages and saints. Nice poem.

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The Forest is the sacred place of Nature...I love its peace..lovely poem...thank you for writing it..

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The Forest is the sacred place of Nature...I love its peace..lovely poem...thank you for writing it..

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Ken E Hall 24 March 2014

You yourself has the wisdom of nature is is written in your poems...regards

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