If God Asks Me Poem by ramesh rai

If God Asks Me

Rating: 4.6

If God asks me
what do you want?

Certainly, I shall say
bestow me with the divine power
to create more and more
beautiful poems
that speaks the language
of all creatures
that expresses the mirth
of a blooming flower
that expresses the grief
of a withering flower
that expresses the pains and pleasures
of an ant working tough
for foster of baby ant
that expresses restless toils
of stars and planets
to keep the pace of nature
always in existence

If God asks me
about my requirement
i shall say
give me bread to feed my family
and to my friend and foe
who gave me love and lesson
give me shelter under your arms
and a sweet home to reside
under the roof of your divine soul

But must not i forget
to mention the names
who creates poem in praise of His divine glory and His infinite creation
despite of their destitute

And lo! my name be laid all the rest.


Monday, September 9, 2013
Topic(s) of this poem: love
Susan Williams 31 March 2016

This poem utterly charmed me! ! ! Praises for speaking of the lowliest creatures of God's creation- -ants. You understand the importance of every creature which I have to admit I hadn't thought of the magnificence of ants before! These lines especially drew me- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -] that speaks the language of all creatures that expresses the mirth of a blooming flower that expresses the grief of a withering flower that expresses the pains and pleasures of an ant working tough for foster of baby ant

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Me Poet Yeps Poet 06 December 2015

I wish I had read it day before last night God asked me who is RR I said Give me time I will let you know Now i will share your poem with HIM also

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Hazel Durham 13 September 2013

Beautiful write and I love the wonderful imagery with your great passion for poetry and life that shines through!

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Yasmin Khan 15 September 2013

A nice hymn by a compassionate heart: 'to feed my friend and foe'....generosity very rare

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Stephen W 26 September 2013

Nice poem. Well done sir!

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Rashmi 18 December 2020

Beautiful lines

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Sonali Ganguly 22 March 2020

Brilliant Composition sir.

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Maria Fernandez 15 December 2018

Beautiful. 10

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Concept is very good. Beautiful poem.

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Patricia Grantham 11 September 2017

Your poem is very beautiful and your expectations are admirable. Moving and encouraging.

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