Let`s Wait Poem by Swarnendu Biswas

Let`s Wait

Rating: 4.9

Raised a voice
I looked
A bird at the top of tree.
Twilight still to come
A river crystalline runs,
Moans and falls on shore
It aches, sleeps the bubble quiet.
Some trees leafless, some full of crimson.

A sound
Oh! from the distance
Oh! a dead,
A funeral procession
Chasing grave slowly,
With a chanting,
Low, gentle, melodious with cry.
It was a Hindu chanting
Fleeing like a soul-soaring.
Wood collected and heaped.
Hearth prepared to burn,
Dead placed on the woods,
Seven turns around the dead made
With a waiting for fire-stick to touch,
It was dead`s elder son who
Held the stick to hearth
It flashed, started to burn
Flame rising above
High and higher.
Again a chanting!
Oh! each getting louder than the previous.
A Hindu chanting,
Ah! gently loosing my soul to sky,
To tress, to river and to myself.
From hearth,
A smoke went up to sky,
Semi-circular, weakly proceeding,
Moves up, up and high.

A vision that eye cant observe
A smell that nose cant hold
A feeling that organs must fail to grasp
A divinity,
Far distance from the sky,
And more closer than the body,
Only spirit can perceive.

Raised a voice
Once again
No, it was not a bird.
A cry, a baby-cry, a baby
newly released from mother`s womb,
Somewhere in household nearer,
In village.
A cry in joy
A cry to thrill the ear.

Twilight passed
A river black runs,
Moans and falls on shore.
Night still to come
And the next morning.

Still to come another dead and another baby.
one departs while other enters.
Let`s wait for them
Wait for us
And wait for The death.

Seven turns around the dead made*...it is according to Hindu-tradition, the elder son of the dead ones has to cover seven turns around the dead body holding a fire-stick and he has to put fire on hearth.(poem is composed on the background of hearth-land in a village..but miraculously there heard a baby cry just released from mother`s womb) .
Ramesh Rai 30 April 2012

A beautiful, well versed poem with a creative attitude. keep it up

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Aasiq the poet 01 May 2012

some review of spellings is in order....but at bubbling 21, dear friend, dont dwell on death and mortality.....there are brighter things of life to write on and muse about...any way all the best...a brilliant piece....

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Kee Thampi 01 May 2012

This poet emotionally writes from heart to burn Flame rising above High and higher. Again a chanting! Oh! each getting louder than the previous. A Hindu chanting, Ah! gently loosing my soul to sky and deeply a mourn released from mother`s womb, Somewhere in household nearer, Swarnedu made words mixed with touchable heights

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Kee Thampi 01 May 2012

This poet emotionally writes from heart to burn Flame rising above High and higher. Again a chanting! Oh! each getting louder than the previous. A Hindu chanting, Ah! gently loosing my soul to sky and deeply a mourn released from mother`s womb, Somewhere in household nearer, Swarnedu made words mixed with touchable heights

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Vipins Puthooran 01 May 2012

excellent work! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !

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Nasarudheen Parameswaran 22 February 2013

A fine concept and poem.

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Waiting for the Godot! Try reading my love poems to enjoy and comment as well. Thank u

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Unwritten Soul 04 August 2012

Well detailed poem, now i know a bit about your tradition and belief, i was watching that on TV but here you give more detail with your nice description...and your work is great! _Unwritten Soul

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Romeo Della Valle 24 July 2012

Definitely a thought provoking and touching write that clearly shows your talent and sensitive feelings! 10+++ Thank you for sharing and please, keep it up! God Bless You! Love and Peace for always! Romeo from New York City!

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Allemagne Roßmann 01 May 2012

Much awaited splendid writee.Nicely penned.

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