Lord, With Glowing Heart I'd Praise Thee Poem by Francis Scott Key

Lord, With Glowing Heart I'd Praise Thee

Rating: 4.6

Lord, with glowing heart I'd praise Thee,
For the bliss Thy love bestows,
For the pardoning grace that saves me,
And the peace that from it flows:
Help, O God, my weak endeavor;
This dull soul to rapture raise:
Thou must light the flame, or never
Can my love be warmed to praise.

Praise, my soul, the God that sought thee,
Wretched wanderer, far astray;
Found thee lost, and kindly brought thee
From the paths of death away;
Praise, with love's devoutest feeling,
Him Who saw thy guilt-born fear,
And the light of hope revealing,
Bade the blood-stained cross appear.

Praise thy Savior God that drew thee
To that cross, new life to give,
Held a blood sealed pardon to thee,
Bade thee look to Him and live.
Praise the grace whose threats alarmed thee,
Roused thee from thy fatal ease;
Praise the grace whose promise warmed thee,
Praise the grace that whispered peace.

Lord, this bosom's ardent feeling
Vainly would my lips express.
Low before Thy footstool kneeling,
Deign Thy suppliant's prayer to bless:
Let Thy grace, my soul's chief treasure,
Love's pure flame within me raise;
And, since words can never measure,
Let my life show forth Thy praise.

Susan Williams 06 October 2015

I started out reading it, then started singing it in my head. I have never heard this song before so I must believe the man leaked music onto the page as well as words.

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M Asim Nehal 15 January 2016

Lord, this bosom's ardent feeling Vainly would my lips express. Low before Thy footstool kneeling, Deign Thy suppliant's prayer to bless

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Curtis Johnson 06 October 2015

It is very clear thank Mr. Key knew and experienced God's Grace in his life. What can one render but praise for God's Great Salvation? !

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Ratnakar Mandlik 27 March 2016

Let thy grace, my soul's chief treasure, Love's pure flame within me raise; And, since words can never measure, Let my life show forth Thy praise. A superb and meaning prayer. Thanks for sharing.

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Baquee Billah Ahmed 09 September 2018

nice poem...........

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Sylvia Frances Chan 09 September 2018

TWO; such a beauty of response of God´s Greatest Love for us mankind. The most precious and beautiful choice Poem Hunter ever did. Congratutlations for this Classic Pôem Of The Day by Francis Scott Key Sir, also to his beloved family in the UK and YSA and other regions abroad. He who could create such a admirable poem

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Glen Kappy 09 September 2018

This is only the second thing by Key I can ever remember reading, the first being The Star Spangled Banner which was used for the lyrics of America’s National Anthem. The words in this poem read much like a hymn, but I’m not aware that music has been set to them. And I heartily give my amen to the centrality of grace that’s expressed by Key. -GK

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Sylvia Frances Chan 09 September 2018

ONE; In his time, this poem is not old-fashioned, now rather obsolete and repetitive sounds, but it is steadfast a wonderful prayer and praiseworthy lament, worshipping at its sublimest, the meaning of this highest directed attitude is still fresh and up-to-date, it is an all time praiseworthy attitude towards God, Myriad of 10´s for the vote and rating

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Mahtab Bangalee 09 September 2018

excellent praiseworthy writings as hymn tone

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Edward Kofi Louis 09 September 2018

My soul's chief treasure! ! Thanks for sharing this poem with us.

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Francis Scott Key

Francis Scott Key

Carroll County, Maryland
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