Mahatma Gandhi & Ahimsa 5 - He Practised What He Preached Poem by Geeta Radhakrishna Menon

Mahatma Gandhi & Ahimsa 5 - He Practised What He Preached

Rating: 5.0

Gandhji was a true yogi.
He was disciplined,
Fully aware of his actions.
For Gandhiji - Ahimsa was
The science of noble living!

Ahimsa was not merely
A spoken word for him
But a true way of life
That he followed
With meticulous precision.

Gandhiji practised Ahimsa
With scientific precision.
He practised it not just for a day,
A month or a year, but
For over fifty years of his life.

He applied the principle of Non-violence
In every walk of his life,
Whether domestic or institutional,
Economic or political,
It was a true experience at all levels.

Most significantly, Gandhiji practised
What he preached. There were no short-cuts.
He was that glorious, brave spirit
Who fought without a single weapon
With an open, uncovered, unprotected body!

Mahatma Gandhi & Ahimsa 5 - He Practised What He Preached
Wednesday, January 31, 2018
Topic(s) of this poem: personality
I published my book "Mahatma Gandhi-Simple Living High thinking" with50 poems of Gandhiji's life and five poems on Gandhiji and Ahimsa.
I have also sung Gandhiji's favourite bhajan 'Raghupati Raghava'.
The You tube link is: https.//
Glen Kappy 11 February 2018

Oops! I just noticed how I misspelled Gandhi in my former message. -G

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Glen Kappy 09 February 2018

Geeta, I may have told you already that my favorite epic movie is Ghandhi. Among the many good things about it is how it portrayed him as human—not without failings but dedicated to living ahimsa as you point out. I’d be interested in hearing what you think about the movie if you’ve seen it. I look forward to checking out the Youtube link! -Glen

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Yes, Glen. I have seen the movie twice. It is superb. The actor who acted as Gandhiji also did a great job. Hope you heard the song in Youtube.

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Loke Kok Yee 03 February 2018

The greatly respected Gandhi was never a politician, just a great leader and teacher which is why he is renowned all over the world for his discipline, principles and wisdom. Your poem have done justice to him.Thanks Geeta.

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Thank you so much, Loke. God bless you.

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