Mail Cheerful Tidings! Poem by Rajendran Muthiah

Mail Cheerful Tidings!

Rating: 5.0

O the beacon of my storm-tossed life!
Blunt not my passionate love on you
and tear my heart and mind to keep them in strife.
I won't in this life for your wild treatment sue
but when you deny your glance, my eyes go dim
and by not hearing your whispers, I have been feeling blue.
Give a ring and my joy will overflow the brim;
I can't forget you even if I bathe in Lethe
and know that if you spurn my love, my heart feels grim.

Friday, May 1, 2020
Topic(s) of this poem: love
Dr Dillip K Swain 29 May 2020

Many congratulations dear sir for this fabulous poem being selected as Poem of the Day!

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Oleg Vorobyov 29 May 2020

great great great POD of the day - triumph to read, Rajendran

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Sylvia Frances Chan 29 May 2020

Excellently worded this Member Poem Of The Day. CONGRATULATIONS Rajendran Sir. I have enjoyed very much.

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Bernard F. Asuncion 29 May 2020

A wonderfully scribed magnificent poem of the day. Congrats on your featured piece...10++

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Mahtab Bangalee 29 May 2020

I can't forget you even if I bathe in Lethe and know that if you spurn my love, my heart feels grim.....beautifully expressed... superb and amorous feelings of love...congrats....10+

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Savita Tyagi 29 May 2020

Beautiful poem....both at spiritual and worldly level. Many congratulations.

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Kumarmani Mahakul 29 May 2020

Mail cheerful tidings: Love is blooming in the heavenly perception to motivate life after reading such a great member poem of the day in member section. We appreciate your perception and effort of penning this great poem. In this storm tossed life, which has lots of problems and lots of challenges at each moment, we need a ring of joy which beholds the light of God’s blessings to protect us and give us love and peace. As per my view this poem seems to very excellently philosophical poem! ...10

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Dr Antony Theodore 29 May 2020

Give a ring and my joy will overflow the brim; I can't forget you even if I bathe in Lethe and know that if you spurn my love, my heart feels grim. Rajendran Muthiah.. love and very fine expressions. tony

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Me Poet Yeps Poet 29 May 2020

Give a ring and my joy will overflow the brim; very beautiful expression haven't you read my poem MOMS SMILES KINDLY do RM U

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rocky love 29 May 2020

feel the same, Blunt not my passionate love on you cant forget you Give a ring and my joy will overflow the brim; will do anything

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Rajendran Muthiah

Rajendran Muthiah

Madurai District, Tamil Nadu, India.
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