Marriage And Divorce Poem by LeeAnn Azzopardi

Marriage And Divorce

Rating: 5.0

Love is wonderful at first
You want to be with that person forever
You are beside them every second you are alive
And make love three times a day
But there's a thing called boredom
And it'll eat away at yr mind
As those habits you thought were cute are now, annoying
You still love them, but not in love with them
So, you pick a fight, so much, that you don't
Want to be in same room with them
And then one night, you fall in love with the bartender
As they pour drinks yr way, you take yr ring off
Then you sleep with them
And decide to ask for a divorce
You packed up yr stuff and kiss the famiy good-bye
Beginning a new life
As it becomes sour once more

Wednesday, February 1, 2023
Topic(s) of this poem: marriage,divorce
Richard Wlodarski 01 February 2023

LeeAnn, you've summed it up so brilliantly. The institutions of marriage and the work ethic have been lost on the millenials. Bad enough that they've divorced themselves from marriage. To throw the work ethic into the mix is such a downer!

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Rob Lamberton 02 February 2023

It's a sad story with ripples that affect us all. *****

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Kesav Venkat Easwaran 02 February 2023

The deteriorating side of life. Vividly expressed. Reads cinematic

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Nosheen Irfan 02 February 2023

Relationships are very complicated. Everything changes with time and so do relations. A bitter reality of life. Very well penned. That's a true depiction of relationships. Life is no fairy tale unfortunately.

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M. Asim Nehal 02 February 2023

Bitter truth nicely expressed. If it works it works like anything and if it don't then what you said is 100% correct.

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MAHTAB BANGALEE 02 February 2023

about conjugal life nicely written

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