Nartaki 3 - Nartaki Expresses Through Her Mudras Poem by Geeta Radhakrishna Menon

Nartaki 3 - Nartaki Expresses Through Her Mudras

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Mudras! Pretty dance modules
Modules that defines a dancer,
A signature of beauty,
A design to decorate or
To define meaningful lines,
Through flexible fingers.
The curvatures of the fingers
Symbolise and attract,
Subtle expressions of Nature,
A balm to the fluttering mind!

Nartaki 3 - Nartaki Expresses Through Her Mudras
Saturday, November 24, 2018
Topic(s) of this poem: beauty,dance,dancing,poetic expression
Rajnish Manga 25 November 2018

I think it is all very scientific though it might seem to many as very simple and easy to enact on stage. Indian Classical Dance has no parallel in the world. The 'Mudras' and body movements are well defined and need years of practice after an equally grueling training under an accomplished guru/-s. You have not only mastered the art but have the conviction and ease to express it through words with aplomb. Thanks, Geeta ji, for the precious work you are doing.

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Dr Antony Theodore 25 November 2018

A signature of beauty, A design to decorate or To define meaningful lines, subtle expressions of nature. beautiful.. dance and poetry. a great devotion of your life. your life is enriched. thank u dear Geeta

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M Asim Nehal 24 November 2018

These mudras are integral part of body, mind and spiritual spirit and they changes with the beats of music. Only those nartakis who have attained the highest level of spirituality successfully makes the true and correct mudras. This is the fine art like poetry in motion. A fantastic poem on the subject.10+++

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Thanks a lot Asim ji. Feel so nice to see your wonderful comment on this dance poem. God bless.

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Pallab Chaudhury 24 November 2018

Nice one... Mudras are like beads of garland.... Thank you for sharing with us. With best wishes PC

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Really happy that you visited my page to read this poem. Thank you Pallab.

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