Beyond the tattered window pane,
A gruesome, dominant world lies.
Facing the broken reflection of mine,
In the broken pane I meet my eyes…
“I see-
Trodden hopes and weakened thighs,
Shoulders down with my soulful cries...
Beyond the visible sneer command on my face
A mournful shattered visage lies….
But must not I reveal my forlorn eyes,
The woman that hides in me in guise,
The world won’t let her to live
Trodden under feet, never to rise….
Am I, too weak to reveal,
Or am I not that strong to conceal,
Do I make you wonder about
The secret I hide under my veil? -
-I hide glitter of my eyes,
the innocence of my face.
My pristine soul,
the unparalleled grace…
…Is it this modesty that the world detests,
Or is my virginity world’s bequest,
Or is it a tribute to the womb that conceives,
& the hand that feeds by the hands that molest?
...You may burn, harass, pester or stun
…But the hands that assault shall be praised by none…….
……. “ Says to me my pessimistic voice,
-Be a woman but never look like one”
Copyright © Yash Shinde 2014
it's a nice poem, very touching...but poems like these only accentuate a feeling of helplessness since no solution seems to be in sight...
a very colorful words that would struck our hearts. Well done Yash, my friend.
Once again a brilliant write from your pen... You have captured the inner feelings of women very well.. Its really a matured write from your side especially when you are just 16....I loved reading each lines..Well done..Yash.
dear Yash, Nice poem this one. We should oppose the inhuman activities all around. Great going. Keep it up Thanks! Read Destiny of Love
, , a powerful ending to this poem, , , be a woman but never look like one amzing poem, , , ,
Be a woman but never look like one”- - - - - - - - - -Great lines.
Pregnant with a passion that is both creative and compelling!
This poem has not been translated into any other language yet.
I would like to translate this poem
Excellent write Yash. A very moving last verse. Thank You