No Reincarnation Poem by Kim Barney

Kim Barney

Kim Barney

I was born in a bank - - my mother went there and made a deposit

No Reincarnation

Rating: 4.0

I have always been myself
and you've always been you.
Now you may not believe that
but I know it is true.

You were never someone else
at some point in the past.
Your soul's eternal, heavenly;
it's something that will last.

Just for saying 'I believe! '
won't save you, in the end,
for 'faith without works is dead'
the Bible says, my friend.

You will be judged for what you do
and not just what you say,
so to God's standards you be true
and you'll love that Judgment Day.

No Reincarnation
Wednesday, September 17, 2014
Topic(s) of this poem: life,life and death,religion
The Bible reference is James 2: 20

17 Setembro 2014
Recife, Pernambuco, Brasil

23 January 2015
The picture is of my mother when she was a young woman. I think she will look much like this the next time I see her.
Kim Barney 21 June 2015

To my good friend Bri Edwards, whose comment is below: For someone who claims not to believe in God, why did you comment on my poem BIG BANG MEMORY that you thought God was punishing me for frightening the maid? Aha! Gotcha! I think that deep down, you know that this universe did not just happen by chance, and that there is a Supreme Being who created it all. If there were such a thing as reincarnation, it would be the SPIRIT that would inhabit the series of bodies, not the SOUL. Probably to you and to most of the rest of the world, the SPIRIT and the SOUL represent the same thing, but to members of my church, the SPIRIT and the BODY together make up one's SOUL. That's why, for us, reincarnation could not happen because that one BODY and the SPIRIT that goes with it make up one's eternal SOUL. By the way, I wasn't trying to convince YOU in particular. This poem was written before I knew you existed. But you do exist, and will always exist. I'm glad I got to meet you (sort of) in this life. We will probably meet for real in the next one.

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Bri Edwards 20 June 2015

well, since i'm not omniscient [one of the characteristics i was 'taught' was/is belonging to God; I don't believe in God anymore], i can't say with certainty that you are incorrect in your beliefs. and although your poem, i suppose, is meant to coax people in the right direction, as well as voice your beliefs, i can't see me ever going back to my former beliefs in God, Heaven, and an afterlife. but, nice try, if you WERE trying. as for reincarnation: couldn't it be that one keeps the same soul while inhabiting a series of bodies? you are welcome to your beliefs as long as they are not detrimental to others. have you EVER wondered if they are sometimes, I wonder. thanks for sharing. bri aka Mary-aka-Bri :) having a second alias is getting tiresome. : (

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Kim Barney

Kim Barney

I was born in a bank - - my mother went there and made a deposit
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